
I remember that grad school pipe dream. “Librarians will be retiring in droves!” We were fed lines like “Between 2010-2020, 45% of librarians will reach the retirement age of 65 years old.” The problem, of course, is that the Great Recession made it impossible for people of retirement age to leave their jobs in a

As a millennial, I find it disheartening that this article doesn’t attempt to challenge the status quo in this “reality.” A much more interesting article would look at men who are planning to pause their careers and why it’s so less likely. Or an article that talked more about how young women have to “plan for a

I firmly believe this is all part of Special Snowflake Syndrome. S-cubed (or Triple S) causes parents to forget that they have implicitly signed a social contract by continuing to exist in public spaces. Part of that contract is recognizing that your behavior and the behavior of your children can and does affect other

“Everything that I’ve taught you about our faith should be ignored because the government knows better than your dad.”

Makes sense to me! African Americans represent 1.6% of the employees at Twitter, accounted for more than 30% of arrest related deaths between 2003 and 2009, and comprise about 13% of the general American population. I don’t see any over- or under-representation here, so I don’t know what people are so upset over. It

There are so many things I don’t understand about this. Why are people trying to “win” weddings? When did weddings become something to be “won”? What caused that poor woman to fall a second time after the kick? Did she receive treatment?

You’re adequately preparing your child for adulthood? YOU MONSTER!

Either a family member stayed home or the kids were left at home, I would imagine. Most states don’t have home alone rules.

If Olivia Benson has taught us nothing else, she has instilled the knowledge that orgasms are the products of biology and do not by any means imply consent.

I feel like “Fucker’s Face Here” could lead to confusion. Kind of like when my husband says he’s going to hang out with “dipshit.” Like literally he has called all of his friends dipshit at one point or another, so that doesn’t narrow it down.

These are my dogs on a camping trip.

I carry a tape measure on my purse (mostly because I’m a knitter and often need to know how long a piece is or something like that). Your comment makes me realize I should offer it to men in a pissing contest to speed things along.


We are Jezebel, for we are many.

You’re confusing “empathic” with “empathetic.” Being empathic, in terms of paranormal and new age writing, is about feeling the emotions of others, which is what you’re describing. Being empathetic is having the ability to understand where someone else is coming from even though you don’t feel the same way.

I cannot disagree more with the idea that George Clooney would be Team Ben. I have to think that he would be Team Jen because he’s from Kentucky and she’s from West Virginia, and we Appalachians tend to stick together.

This is optimistic, but I doubt it. It’s cheaper to subsidize birth control than to provide for families resulting from unexpected and unintended pregnancies, but conservatives still protest that because of political ideology. Sex education and access to contraception for teens leads to lower teen pregnancy rates, but

I can promise you that we exist.

That’s what I was thinking! I imagine stepping on one, if you didn’t slip, would feel similar to stepping on a ball bearing, which is rather painful.