
That’s not the worst thing that happens at an interstate rest area.

Oh, that’s not the last thing. Just ask any ER nurse.

Sure, just let me peel off my winter coat, hat, gloves, scarf, boots, wool jumper, long sleeved t-shirt, tank top, skirt, wool tights, another pair of tights and underwear. Oh, no, I missed the three minutes of sunlight we get per day in november! I guess I’ll just have to try again tomorrow

And these are the people who are worried their kids could get autism from vaccines...

He’s got one heck of a family, too. Real go-getters.  Clearly they were VERY interested in Smith’s welfare.

But in South Carolina they will say that this slavery was much better than say the slavery of Georgia and Mississippi where there were cotton picking slaves.

If Smith was 12 in 1996, then he’s only 35/36 now. If that picture is accurate, holy crap he did not age well. And by that I mean, if the description of his living/working conditions wasn’t bad enough, seeing how poorly he’s aged should tell you how awful his life was. Also, all of those patrons who never came to

Well the Florida panhandle is essentially South Alabama. 

Butter is best though. Opinion.

When in doubt, just don’t cook with a fat that needed a lab to come into existence.

OK, new rule: any sitting government official who answers ‘I can’t recall’ to any question about critical meetings they had under 6 months ago they had should be removed from office, because they are either a liar or have mental issues that disqualify them.

Maybe letting them have control of the camera was really dumb.


I desperately want a shirt that says ‘Jesus take the wheel and the lube’...

Thank the Lord for this! Now, can someone in Arkansas finally introduce a law that forces doctors to investigate a man’s entire sexual history and determine his motives for wanting to maintain an erection for up to (but hopefully not longer than, eek!) four hours before he is permitted to get a Viagra prescription?

It would withstand legal challenges in an America with Merrick Fucking Garland on the SCOTUS. But, you know, Repukes. They hate women. Except Stepford Wives.

I assume next week the GOP will move on to something more advanced, like accusing Clinton of having cooties.

let me say it again:

Back home, when the queue was too long in women’s’ bathrooms, i used to go over at the mens. Suddenly, I feel very revolutionary.... Seriously, what is the deal with the bathroom in this country?