Lay off Baron. He is a 14 year old kid!
Lay off Baron. He is a 14 year old kid!
Seriously, she shot her twice in the back as she was fleeing because she feared having her gun taken??
Soulless mofo? Just a guess... #HellBound
No, not anyone...ever!!! Let his true desire languish in celibacy forever!! I am not inclined to force but a couple of do not enter tattoos comes to mind!!!
I can hear the chant of ‘Send her back!’ becoming a rally cry for the GOP in regards to Lady Liberty. I am actually surprised that France hasn’t recalled her!
You are perhaps saying YOU would find it “titillating” but DO NOT speak for those people, mostly volunteers, who work with and FOR victims!!! It’s even really creepy to think that way, as in really perverted creepy!!!!
Before summer is over is my guess!
I still do its just, sorry guys, Grandma coming through! But this is Canada.
I am not even Butch but if I don’t remember to shave off that post-meno mustache I am in for crap!
Lots and lots of Lego... it too late to kill it?? 😕
They were not a mistake! She did not need to disrespect Nancy Reagan but the bullshit was thick. As for “the first AIDS free generation”, again with the mouth running & the brain off. It’s not been 3 full generations since this nightmare began. She is still talking like it’s “the gay plague” & not a general populace…
Yup, had it at 16, 56 now & have a cold & keep rubbing my neck!!
Getting in is easy, just have a portable income as that area has the highest unemployment rate in Canada, they would welcome a few Doctors, you can’t put a drain on the Canadian health care or social services network until you are an actual citizen in 5 years & oh, you have heard about the taxes haven’t you?
Too funny!
Seriously?? We do have males here who feel entitled but its just their asshole opinion! No North American woman lives with the fear of being jailed or executed for her opinion! Have you ever known anyone to be openly fondled in public because the hair on her head showed? *smh*