
I wouldn't want anyone watching me while I played.

You missed a golden opportunity to say "real quack." Shame.

And for the uncool geeks, just give them a Möbius strip, then erase their equations when they're not looking.

What an amazing, incredible comment!

Letting porn run in the background for hours upon hours is now considered a patriotic duty....

Randy Marsh of South Park had the same issue and solution for his "problem" when there was no internet

Pictured: Yet another Cam Newton turn over.

I'm pretty sure I account for at least one of those Empire State Buildings. That video is an addiction that I cannot shake.

I just checked to make sure I had enough whiskey to get through reliving some nightmares and it looks like we are good to go.

A few more tips I picked up from going to various SBBQs:

I'd suggest DVR-ing it so you can skip past the Discovery Channel patented return from commercial, spend 8 minutes recapping the last segment, show 2 minutes of new footage, cut to commercial, repeat for 1 hour show formatting.

Amazon's attempt to sabotage sales for specific book publishers is getting just getting plain silly.

Real planets have curves.

Gas Cannisters? make that jet propulsors and fullfill the promised airplane mode!

It should also pull from Steven Hawking impersonations.

I always love when people brag about their techniques for generating totally insecure passwords.