
So, Iceland is rising 1.4"/year, the sea is rising at about .1"/year Does Iceland know something we don't?

Please, oh please tell me one of those screens has a Galaga screenshot :)

That's not how you destroy a melon:

With any luck, It will some day be feasible to bring Opportunity back to Mother Earth and have its place of honor where everyone will be able to ooh and aah at him. Or we'll be living on Mars and it'll just be a weekend trip to go see him just sitting there looking back at Earth, hoping to make it home.

Yeah, as long as there's only one, standing still, on his knees, in front of you.

Yeah, this is not new. A friend of mine works in concrete and concrete repair and they used this all the time, back in early 2000

I have that in my pocket right now

Turing Test 2: Turing Harder

Oh, Snap!

I liked seeing it in GIF so you could see the steps involved. What massive undertakings some of them seemed to be.

I may take some crap for this but here it goes:

Image scanners work remarkably well, why would we need to switch to barcodes for machines to read them? It's not as if they're having to read millions of handwritings, it's a set font per state, or for all I know, the country.

No wonder ocean levels are rising :)

I've got one of these for work. Good to take to jobsites with my laptop and a full set of prints for recording field dimensions. Especially on huge jobs where you might be measuring for hours. I fashioned a mobile stand from 3 casters and a little board. Fairly lightweight and I can carry the whole thing including

I actually love Voyager as a series, sure there's episodes that don't measure up to the mark, but that's the same with any series. Just to put my 2 cents in, I never got into DS9, just didn't click with me. And I liked Enterprise, except for the whole Temporal cold war thing...

I've got 2 outlets in my house that don't like to take anything plugged into them. Actually contemplating defeating that safety device. Kinda like the low flow faucet filter, just drill a bigger hole and you're set.

Now if they could only get rid of the little tamper resistant shutters on them darn receptacles to make it easier to plug stuff in

Meh, I'll wait a few months and buy them clearanced out in Walgreens "As Seen on TV" rack for $5.00

Well then, this isn't for you. Accept that and move on.

Oh yeah, I can see this now, "No seriously, it's a smart belt! Don't believe me, just get a closer look at my buckle. Closer... closer... yeah, right there"