
Huh, that's not what I learned in the early 90's. I thought the correct way to load a dishwasher was to get the wife drunk? Or was I misinformed?

I just hope they release them up to and including 15W

Now playing

I see a guest spot on Family Guy at least!

That would fall into my aforementioned reason of avid collectors.

You know, I've got nothing against owning guns. The Constitution gives you the right to do so, and it's your right as a free American to own one. But what I do have an issue with is people saying the Constitution gives them the right to own whatever firearm and however much ammunition they can afford. That's not

Why does the list skip from 4:30 am to 6:00 am? I didn't think there was a 90 minute Original episode...

Yeah, you gotta wonder if products like these are just a good joke, or legit slips.

lol, I was thinking the same exact thing

Well, technically you would be accurate in your statement tho. If it is New Years in Hawai'i, it definitely counts most everywhere else lol. Just stayed up waaaaay too late.

Where the heck do you live at? Hawai'i is in the second to last time zone to ring in the new year.

Actually 2 hrs 15, but who's counting

Ok, old enough to understand it's New Years Eve and wanting to watch the ball drop. But not old enough to see a clock and know what time it is? Or am I over thinking it?

Robocop? Really? That's the only one on this list where I question all them pirates out there.

What if we, now stay with me on this, what if we started putting less passengers and seats on planes? I mean, if we removed a couple rows of seats that would lighten the load a bit, and we could then stretch the remaining rows out a tad to, i don't know, GIVE US SOME MORE LEG ROOM!!! And we'll be able to take off in

Yeah, what this guy said.

Boy, I am a Seth Rogen fan and I was on the fence to see this or not. But now I have got to see it! lol

The one piece of trivia I always remember about these jets is they had no offensive capabilities. The theory was that if an enemy jet approached or fired a missile, it would simply floor it and outrun it. Talk about an ego lol

I like Tom Skerritt's line in Contact