
I think that had a flip out saw blade on the front of it? And a couple bazookas

Where is #9?

I've often thought that if they really wanted to make the switch to alternative fuel vehicles, start with the industries that rely on them, Post Office, UPS, Fed-Ex etc... They're out driving around all day, if you could get them to switch first, might lead a pack? My dad is a mailman and he puts about 25-30 miles…

I look forward to the day we are all chauffeured around in self-driving cars. Then we can yell and bitch at the "stupid programmer that wrote that algorithm!"

What's wrong with Paypal? Oh yeah, we need to be able to send money to friends at a moments notice because friends are always needing to borrow money...

Can't ... take ... it ... OCD ... kicking ... in ... can't ... look ... out ... window ... without ... cocking ... head ...

I use LMGTFY all the time, fits well with my sarcastic nature

I came here just to make sure this was posted! YAY!

What is that picture with the clear bottles showcasing?

I love NASA's acronyms, they try and try to make words out of things, but MODIS, there's no R lol. Get the guy that named the C.O.L.B.E.R.T. on the phone and come up with better acronyms.

Now you tell me, I hurried up and ordered a 2 pack just in case they are no longer available. I'll definitely check back, if only to stick it to the man

Yeah, but how long would it stink? Even rancid meat stops stinking after a while. And I'm sure dogs, cats, etc would clean up some of it.

I dunno, Star Wars Lightsabers are one word, these are Light Saber keys, two words :)

Can't find the purple or green ones on the website. Bummer :(...

Now, we just need to paint a bullseye on the center of the rail to give them something to aim for, or steer right about 10 feet and it's the 4th of July all over again!

I'd much rather invest in a few of these...