
I'm rather impressed that they'll be taking the entire probe down each time to deliver items. It would seem more efficient to do something akin to Apollo, even if you sacrificed the first "lander" full of explosives, rather than repeated landing and launching the whole shebang.

Ruh rho, the phones are voting now?

What if this was just a giant diversion to conceal the Home Depot credit breach?

Meh, big deal. I've done that a lot of times in Roller Coaster Tycoon :)

My dad had one of these at work over 30 years ago, albeit not this advanced. Strap a car battery to it and it would climb up or down stairs with the flick of a switch. Kinda nice for old arcade cabinets and ancient vending machines that weighed a ton lol

I wonder if you could ever get the wavy lines to meet on the different layers.

Man, we weren't allowed to put a puzzle together on the dining room table, let alone whack a small ball across it. Also where's the regulation lines for correct serving in doubles matches?

If it is a hologram, then what kind of sob turns the safety protocols off?

If it is a hologram, then what kind of sob turns the safety protocols off?

No, I think it was called Picadilly Circus, curse my 8 year old memory lol. Midwest Iowa didn't have a lot of interesting places to eat, so that one always sticks out :)

I remember a pizza place that had 2 "robot" lions that rode tricycles to deliver pizza in the restaurant. I say robot lightly, they were on a track, remote controlled, the operator spoke thru them, but still cool for an 8 year old in the mid eighties.

At the end of the video it says optional remote control unloading lol. So they've got half of it figured out

About the only thing that would make this better is a seat leveling system, so over steeper grades you're not clutching on trying to hold yourself in the chair.

Holy crap, November is in 90 days? Where has this year gone

I'd be more concerned with cost and durability. Kids this age aren't the best at taking care of their toys lol.

How many different ways can we spell nalgene?

I've never wanted that big of a tv sitting on its stand, Always mount them to a wall, or get an entertainment center with a mount.

Dude, spoiler alert!

Clicked here just to make sure he made an appearance