
Is that guy wearing jeans at his wedding?
Pretty sure his mother-in-law is the one operating the 'copter.

Are officials going to be using this new angle/footage/voodoo when they are reviewing the play, or are we just going to rage even harder at the refs when the TV footage shows a clear catch/no-catch and the refs make a bad call from limited view under the hood?

Gursky is quite open about his use of manipulation. Like other comments below (above?) have pointed out, there were people, objects, trash, etc that were shopped out of this image.

Fictitious Force is a term to describe certain behaviors in Newtonian physics. It doesn't mean centrifugal force does not exist. The fact that you link to a wikipedia page that explains exactly what centrifugal force is is a pretty good indicator that it exists.

I played DOTA2 and quit for all those very reasons. I moved over to Smite and am having a great time. Still competitive, but all of the excessively angry moba players aren't there (they're in dota). Also, I strongly prefer the 3rd-person WoW-Style view of Smite over the top down view of LoL and DOTA.

Think of Gursky, Sherman, and Prince as the Banksy's of the 1980's.

It is really awesome to see in person... it loses a little bit of its magic when you learn its photoshopped.

If you have the opportunity, see one in person. They are HUGE, wall-spanning prints that give the pictures a much greater sense of presence, contrast and composition.

The joke's on all the Gursky owners... they are all developed as C-Prints, and the colors degrade over time.

Madrid looks like its gunning for the 20020 Olympics... Also blatantly sucking up to US's Olympic telecaster, NBC.

Dear local bar owner,

Luckily they are big enough to swat away if we see them trying to infect us.

It's not a game of chance if you use the bug as described in the original article... he waited until he had a guaranteed pay and then used the bug to artificially inflate the payout. I don't know if knowing 'how' the bug got there is really the issue, as much as he was fully aware of it before sitting down to play

Does this mean they can shift resources from the marketing team over to the development team and make a version where Flash doesn't crash 3 times a day?

To lose one penis, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness.

And that is why we will never have flying cars.

Did you buy it through a self-serve brokerage firm like TD Ameritrade, E-Trade, etc? If so, they will just automatically deposit the money into your account there. If you had a financial planner or personal broker buy it for you, then there will be a check coming in the mail most likely. Congratulations, you are now

I know, I know... I am a jerk... but don't I get some DentonBucks for showing my historic loyalty to the Gizmodo brand and my encyclopedic knowledge of their articles?