
I think everyone is reading too much into nothing.

I kinda like all the stores in GCT right now. I can't imagine where the Apple Store would go in there.

If you can't cheat, it's not really a game about capitalism anymore...

That's really more part of the 'old' Monopoly.

Won't this essentially kill the whole bartering and trading aspect of the game? You know, the part of the game that actually makes Monopoly fun and challenging?

I'm too lazy to carry multiple lenses... it's the only reason I haven't jumped into the mirrorless world. NEX apparently does amazing things and some of the best video from that realm of cameras. From what I've heard the user interface can be a little too tailored for novice camera users at times when you are trying

Tiny sensor immediately takes this out of the 'Serious Compact' contenders, but I do appreciate what they're going for here. Looks like they didn't want to cannibalize the P7000 too much.

I know nothing about it, but Tetralogy of Fallot is absolutely the coolest disease name ever.

Saying this as a total Vibram devotee... they are such a pain in the ass to put on as sandals that the concept of a low-top of boot version just baffles me.

@Faslane: I love my Vibrams, but yeah... it's an effort to get that pinkie toe in there.

"When wintertime rolls around, the gorillas simply freeze to death"

The rats are fine as long as they don't play their headphones loud enough for everyone else to hear and move to let people in/out on crowded trains.

Also, hoagies are named after him... that's pretty impressive.

Is it still child abuse if you beat the hell out of your 19-year-old?

@Don Is: No, that's what they hire editors for.

Sucks to be Scott Redmond...

@djdare: I live in a 600 sq ft shoebox with a window unit...

@bg-dez: I'm fairly certain that's factored into it... if you read the fine print, the Money Earned is calculated by GDP weighted by a price index, which tends to compare 'real' wages as opposed to apples-to-oranges gross pay.

@rott: We air condition our 4,000 square foot homes when we aren't there instead of just putting the dog in the yard...