What if you were in your 20s? Too olde?
What if you were in your 20s? Too olde?
OMG I’m lost. Call 911 (inside job)
RIP young man. Godspeed
Most bodybuilders and fitness gurus are Republicans. No soybois allowed nuff said
Whothefuck is Post Malone?
I’m not racist but this is some pretty sketchy behavior, bordering on abnormal
the show and ?busisiness give the and what .
Manspaining means explaining by a man.
All this mansplaining is making ma dizzy
I like Newsweek. I hope they hang in there!
There are some good documentaries and books available that prove that the “holocaust” numbers have been grossly exaggerated and the truth is far different than the “official story”
They can’t beat the Japanese at this game
Some cops are making 200 k in cities like LA
Grizzlies would take them both
why am I shadowbanned?
Would that even be legal?
Oh man this sucks
my first used car - a 78 Horizon. I put a nice Kenwood stereo in it, but it was a bad car
OMG I found this beyond nasty and I’m a proud Trump supporter ffs