Hip Cat

What if you were in your 20s? Too olde?

OMG I’m lost. Call 911 (inside job)

RIP young man. Godspeed 

Most bodybuilders and fitness gurus are Republicans. No soybois allowed nuff said

Whothefuck is Post Malone?

I’m not racist but this is some pretty sketchy behavior, bordering on abnormal

They need to give the watch a name that has snap and pizzazz! A name that will raise eyebrows and cause glee. I recommend Goolex™. It is a mashup of Google and Rolex.

the show and ?busisiness give the and what .

The gawker-owned sites “moderate” by greying all conservatives. They also shadowban, where comments are only seen by the commenter

People are getting strikes for videos that are 4 years old. This is liberalism at its sickest

Manspaining means explaining by a man.

All this mansplaining is making ma dizzy

I like Newsweek. I hope they hang in there!

There are some good documentaries and books available that prove that the “holocaust” numbers have been grossly exaggerated and the truth is far different than the “official story”

As someone who has researched flat earth for 3 years, I can tell you that satellites (except for those on balloons) are bogus, as are the “space programs”

Amen bruhdah. There’s a reason while helmets are made out of plastic and not metal and glass

I have my own tiny hamster farm, so I never have to forage for ham in a dumpster

They can’t beat the Japanese at this game

Some cops are making 200 k in cities like LA

My neighbors are cutting onions big time