Hip Brooklyn Stereotype

What? Something like two-thirds of the vote was already in before this happened, the literal last night of the campaign. Like, are you trying to make yourself miserable?

Don’t forgive the early voters; he was still a creationist who believes that dinosaurs died in the Noah’s Ark flood :/

I absolutely knew that this shitbag assaulting a reporter wouldn’t hurt his chances in the election; if anything, it would make him more popular.

It’s a cult mindset.

I’m so glad the conservative part of my family is in France which makes them liberals in the US.

I’m not sure who drives me more insane: the Trump supporters or “anybody-than-Hillary” voters, especially those that are shocked, SHOCKED, at what a giant cluster this administration is.

trump literally called for leaks during the election.

Gotta love people who don’t understand the definition of treason.

That’s why I avoid talking to anyone that voted republican. It really saves your sanity.

My dad just said that whoever is leaking all of this info should be hanged cause he’s a traitor. I asked him if the subjects of these leaks should also be punished. Of course he was like no. I promptly blew up at him, reminding him he wasn’t worried about the person(s) who leaked the info from the DNC.

It’s not remotely accurate, but even if it is - FORTY-EIGHT IS NOTHING TO BRAG ABOUT! IT IS STILL A TERRIBLE APPROVAL RATING! God, mediocre men who fail upward drive me INSANE.

Another man blaming his shortcomings on a woman, even from nearly a decade ago. How quaint.

Its Rasmussen which is traditionally very biased in favor of Republicans. The fact that even they have never been able to get Trump over 50% says a lot.

Someone needs to pull down and post the clip of Trump shoving the Montenegro PM, then buttoning his jacket while sticking out his chin like Mussolini. It tells us everything we need to know about Trump as a human being.

He is literally everything the GOP claims to hate.

Can someone teach Trump HOW TO SIT ON A GODDDAMN CHAIR?!?

Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?

Donald Trump is the Staten Island of presidents.

i think one of the things that angers me/shocks me/saddens me the most about trumps presidency is that if Obama had been accused of any of the daily shit we find out about trump, he would be in handcuffs and impeached immediately. yet trump supporters/republicans defend trump and basically say “nothing to see here,

Ari’s “background” is that he plead guilty to the “illegal possession and resale of stolen motor vehicles” in 2006 in Michigan, and then again in 2011 for “felony wire fraud for a Ponzi scheme.”