Hip Brooklyn Stereotype

Wasn’t Steve Jobs pretty wealthy? Didn’t he die of cancer? Seems to negate the old geezers argument.

Or, you know, get old.

Leave it to fucking Republicans to think that the second amendment (and their grossly ridiculous interpretation of it that has resulted in millions of unnecessary deaths) is more important than the first. The first amendment is first for a reason, dickbags.

Fyre Festival is the Juicero/Theranos of the rich kid party scene. Silicon Valley is batting .000 this year.


I think it’s more him trying to hang on to his visa, which is one tied to employment.

Has the hierarchy of the UMC ever visited their own church in Hollywood? It’s long been the most inclusive mainline denomination church in town. (The AIDS ribbon has been there for 25 years)

Man, we can’t eliminate tax exemptions for religious orgs fast enough.

I was raised in the UMC* in the Midwest. There is a huge schism regarding social issues with the church - liberal Yankees vs fundamentalist southern churches. Unfortunately for open-minded folk, the fundamentalists have the numbers, which equates to having the purse strings.

I wonder why he thinks he can talk about her that way? This was Donald’s answer to Wendy Williams when she asked him what he has in common with Ivanka...

He’s like an anthropomorphic shit-eating grin.

“It’s funny, the left says they really respect women, and then when given an opportunity to respect a woman like that, they boo and hiss. 

That man has an astoundingly punchable face

This guy is such a douche canoe.

Hell, even she could probably beat Romney from the top spot, and he’s out of touch as fuck.

Spot on. I mean has he ever even said he was wrong or sorry? I genuinely don’t know. I can’t find it but I didn’t google down the rabbit hole.

And the court should tell her that it appreciates her position and is happy that she seems to have come to terms with her assault and trauma. And then it should continue its pursuit of Polanski, who is a child rapist who spent the last 40 years living in luxury and adoration while having a family of his own and

Ugh. This information creeps me out. It’s her right to do whatever she wants about the man who raped her when she was just a child, but I don’t have to feel good about it.

Two things: