Hip Brooklyn Stereotype

If the prices they charge are any indication, I shudder to think of what’s actually in that “pizza”.

That’s the most asinine headline I’ve seen in a long time. This isn’t a CiCi’s pizza buffet, it’s the most important job in the world. Someone just punch me in the face right now.

“You know my plans. All along, I’ve been proven to be right. 100% correct.”

Her face in the above photo is making me SO MAD.

It’s not surreal, it’s classical.


Right? Like, is that a promise, Harold?

Is it me, or is Don Jr. also getting more orange by the day?

“People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must suffer the consequences!”

I initially read her husband’s name as “Duterte” and was super confused for a moment.

National Ice Cream Day was an art house gem, you take that back.

Collateral Beauty, or, as the public knows it: How Many Famous People Can You Squeeze Into a Feature Film And Still Have it Suck?

Now that’s a day!

If this photo fails to make your day you are soulless.

I almost just choke-laughed. I chaughed.

I’m the weirdest. This is also the best response out of the dozens I’ve received.

Hairdresser: What can I do for you?

No, but this Gail sounds intriguing!

No, sadly! She just sold it to a developer this summer.