
We say "don't steal" and yet still lock our doors.

I understand your argument but I think you're missing the real point about a woman's right to bodily autonomy. It doesn't matter how far along the fetus is because you're still forcing a woman to stay pregnant and let another being use her body against her will. Since the likelihood of someone surviving can't be used

You can't be pro-choice and pro-abortion at the same time. Unless you mean that you would definitely have an abortion if you got pregnant but think other women should be able to decide whether they want to give birth or end the pregnancy. That still might not work... exactly wtf is pro abortion?

The study only mentioned the effect these things have on sperm not the egg so why does it say both parents? Unless I didn't read the study published in journal science properly

Who would look after her child when she's at work? Is there someone who could provide day care for her child every day?

Holly fuck dude you're the only one I see complaining here. This company realized their contest was a bad idea and counter to what they want to accomplish and now they're seeking better methods do that. You're the one who seems to be offended. Is it the fact that this company chose to cancel their sexist contest and

Women tend to have greater endurance compared to men so it really doesn't make sense to have shorter races for women in endurance sports. Women's greater amount of estrogen plays a role in having greater endurance just like men's greater amount of testosterone plays a role in more muscle growth

The place I used to go to charged $20 for women and like 15 or 16 for men. That being said I wish they had a different rate for someone who only wants a trim. Getting a quarter inch taken off which hardly requires 10 minutes to do shouldn't be charged the same as a basic haircut.

Women tend to have greater endurance compared to men so it really doesn't make sense to have shorter races for women in endurance sports. Women's greater amount of estrogen plays in role in having greater endurance just like men's greater amount of testosterone plays a role in more muscle growth

Another way to look at it is that if guys spend too much time and effort on their appearance or otherwise go outside the lines, they are suspected of being gay or otherwise viewed as being very threatening to the status quo.

I only go in for a trim and my hair usually takes less time than most men's or just as long. It's really annoying having to pay $20 only to have a quarter inch taken off my ends. I don't really have layers either so it literally takes like 10 minutes max. They should charge for the job in my opinion. A lot of men who

So you can ask a girl to suck your dick but you can't ask her if she wants to fuck? And that this gun shy girl can tell you "no not in that hole" but saying "yes" or nodding her head to more sexitime would be too much for her?

If you don't want to take part in something sexual but a woman forces you to against your will then yes that would be sexual assault. I'm sorry if that is what happened to you. That woman should not have forced you to do something you didn't want to do. This is why Yest Means Yes bill is needed.

no, what i am saying is, if i am honest, i dont think i have ever given or gotten consent.

You're not being expected to have an hour long discussion about having sex with each other. All you need to do is ask the person if they want to have sex right before you put your dick inside him/her. You can do this in quick 3-4 words and that's not going to kill the mood.

I've known girlfriends who were okay with kissing a guy and even oral but did not want to participate in intercourse. I've also heard a story from a girl who said she gave a guy a BJ because she didn't want to have sex with him but felt pressured and giving him bj was the best compromise. Then there are times when you

lol asking if you're going to get laid that night before even hanging out or going pee over and over is not the same thing as what you'er trying to say. You having to get up and go pee might come of as weird as hell and yeah that could kill the mood for the girl or asking hey what are the chances i get it in tonight

Welp i'm sorry to hear that. I hope there's something you enjoy in life!

You really just need to be well informed about life to appreciate this humor. If you're an idiot or ignorant then yes you probably won't find it funny. It's kind of like watching family guy or south park. If there's a child watching or a completely clueless person then you won't find it funny or entertaining at all.

You complain because people spend their wholes lives in jails.