
What's my problem? You not being able to enjoy things because you have a shitty sense of humor isn't my problem at all. Who were you trying to help and who are you showing your care for?


It's on them to learn what feminism is before forming an opinion about it. If you're going to speak against something then at least try to understand it first and if you can't do that then, yes you're going to get laughed at by everyone. Simply looking at any major feminist forum would be enough to know what these

I thought a lot of those tweets were pretty clever and hilarious! If you have a shitty sense of humor then that's your problem.

his is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read or heard in my entire life. And you didn't answer the question; is it impossible that anyone at all could look like the model does in the finished photo? Are there no other humans on the planet with proportionately larger eyes, narrower face / jawline, and

If there is a person who looks like what they want then they would use that person as their model. Obviously there's not, otherwise every single model wouldn't need to be altered. The appearance achieved by using makeup is still realistic and achievable, even if it's not natural. Alterations made to a model's features

The thing is that model can actually look like the way she does in second picture. She will never look the way she does in the third picture and that's where the problem lies. When girls see pictures of photoshop models they end up wanting to look like women that don't exist. Setting unrealistic beauty standards is

It's important to spend quality time with your children. If you're able to do that and make sure your children have a secure home and know their parents are their for them, I think they will be grateful for all you do. It's much better for children to have that and providing that for your child is better than having a

Sorry I would rather not be pregnant against my will and have to deal with being sick and the risk to my life and health that come with pregnancy. You can call me selfish if you want. I save my selfless acts to impact the lives of humans.

I'm supporting women's right to choose if having a child is best for them. Eugenics would be me demanding poor people to abort their child. That's the exact opposite of what I want. I don't want someone making that decision for women, I want women to decide whether they want to give birth to a child. It has been

There's nothing obvious about that. It's more obvious that you care just as much about me not liking the add as much as I care about the add. We both made the same amount of effort to "complain" about things we didn't like. I didn't like the add and you didn't like me not liking the add. I cared enough to type my

All i'm saying is the add kind of sucks and I would've liked it better if they created something new instead of continuing their old tired stuff. Am I not allowed to dislike the add and come up with suggestions on what I think would make a better add?

So you know why all women have abortion and what it's all about for them? If i was to get pregnant right now, I would get an abortion because i don't want to be pregnant. I don't care about a fetus, it's not about the fetus, its about my body and me not wanting to carry out a pregnancy. MY GOAL ISN'T TO KILL THE

I don't, not want a husband. I just don't go hunting for one and I don't think most women do either. Single women do look for attractive men and that man could end up being their husband or their next hookup buddy, or hook up buddy and then husband.. Just because a woman's main goal isn't to find and settle down with

Hmmm I guess it's good that black children are 3 times more likely to be aborted than white children. I mean we wouldn't want any more crime now would we?

They could've just said sexy man hunting, in heels, it didn't need to be looking for a husband. The notion that women NEED a husband in life and that should be their biggest aspiration is what bothers me.

The point is a salesperson is more likely to buffalo me a woman than you peter. So I have to do more homework, i have to hold people accountable more often and i have to prepare for more what's coming more than you would. Now can you acknowledge that's unfair and it sucks that I have to live like that and go through

The electrician, isn't the one thinking only women are capable of that. That's the preconceived sexist idea that already exists and because of this people bully and coerce women more than they do men.

If someone looks at me and thinks he/she can lie and deceive me easily in order to sell/buy something then i'm already a victim. All i can do to not be a victim to people's prejudice is to not exist as a woman. From this study it shows the best way to get a fair deal offered to you without being lied to is by being a

What is not about me? Is my body not about me? OR are women not included in people so is that why it's not about me?