
What? I was talking about what I would do if you were robbed. I said I would focus on the crime and the criminal not on what you could have done because that would be completely pointless and unhelpful at that point. If I do focus my attention on you, I would try to be there for you to help you get over it, not tell

If you got robbed I would first talk about how we can catch the people who robbed you and mitigate the situation. I wouldn't focus on what you could've done because that is completely unhelpful at this point.

If you don't do it- then it won't happen.

Exactly, it was still a pleasant surprise when he did propose. I think it's important to discuss some important details about what you want in life and how that's possible for the two of you to make it happen, before you make a life long commitment to one another.

Putting someone in that situation is also a crappy thing to do. So I don't blame the person for doing a crappy thing by saying yes because they felt uncomfortable because the only reason they had to do that was because another person did a crappy thing to them by putting them in that situation in the first place.

Exactly! You should only do a public proposal if you have already talked about getting married . Well actually you should only propose if you have already talked about getting married. I don't understand how immature people have to be to propose without ever discussing the idea of them getting married before. My

You didn't get dehydrated and taken to the hospital because a woman stood you up. You were dehydrated and taken to the hospital because you were too dumb to drink water. Did she some how force you to not drink water? No! You could've bought a bottle of water while waiting but you were too dumb to do that.

Even if you were a woman who got stood up and waited two hours for a guy to show up, getting dehydrated still wouldn't have anything to do with it. Even if you were a woman, I would ask the same thing. Why couldn't you get water? Was your date taking place in a desert that you couldn't find water before passing out?

Well it's not okay when a man to get hit either. In that case we should be encouraging our boys to be more like girl and use less physical aggression than encourage even more physical aggression among boys by making it okay for them to hit girls too.

I'm not talking about Sanford. I'm talking about relationships in general and the once a cheater always a cheater mentality

Yes obviously being married to someone is usually more serious than dating in college but you can be married to the wrong person just as you can be dating the wrong person. They're both relationships and you're doing a disservice to yourself and your partner by staying in one where you no longer feel a connection.

He met her over spring break and hooked up with her. That's the cheating part. Then continued talking to her when they got back and ended things with me because he wanted to pursue a relationship with her. I never thought he was a terrible person because of this though. He did the right thing by breaking up with me.

I agree with you on that. I think if someone lies and deceives their partner and/or the other person then that person is likely going to do it again in the next relationship. Having an on going affair and lying to your partner and being sketchy just shows that person's character and I don't know why anyone would want

I agree that you shouldn't trust someone who's willing to cheat on their significant other with you but not every situation is black and white. If the person is willing to leave their current bf/gf/spouse as soon as they discover the connection they have with the new person they have met then it's not always a

Technically yea, the guy could say he was also raped because he never said yes either, but when does that ever happen?

It's so easy to think 'it's already out there, who does it hurt?'. The answer is that I am making a market for the criminals who are looking for paying customers and encouraging future hacking

I think the problem is they just don't think. I talked about this with my boyfriend over texts and he said he wanted to see them and I told them no don't. He asked why but before I could explain he had already looked at them. After I explained why he felt bad and ashamed. He hadn't thought about how bad it is, because

What are you talking about? I have never known anyone who denies what you just said and I don't know what made you think that I would even think of the nonsense you just said. I'm actually really confused and have no idea what the hell you just said. You must be one of those people who doesn't really read what other

There's difference in just being verbally attacked and being verbally attacked because of your sex. The latter is a hate crime. Just as saying general mean crap to someone isn't the same as saying mean crap because of that person's race/religion/ethnicity. So even if men were experiencing a lot of verbal abuse online,

It's just obnoxious! Jennifer Aniston is known by everyone, she doesn't need to be linked to another person to be recognized. I would understand if one of say, George Clooney's hardly famous Exs or that Brazilian model that Madonna dated was mentioned as Clooney/Madonna's ex gf/bf because that's how most people know