
What is not about me? Is my body not about me? OR are women not included in people so is that why it's not about me?

What is not about me? Is my body not about me? OR are women not included in people so is that why it's not about me?

Umm what are you talking about? Crime rate fell significantly 18 years after roe v wade legalized abortion. Major economist and sociologists have looked for reasons to explain the trend and the conclusion is always roe v wade. If you click the link below and read you will be corrected on all the other things you had

Parent's are obligated to provide and care for their children as long as they are legally responsible for said children. Parents can give the child up for adoption and/or write of their legal rights to the child and they will no longer be held legally responsible to provide and care or that child. No one can force

The thing is people have rights. People that don't exist don't have rights. If you forced me to remain pregnant and give birth against my will then you are absolutely taking away my rights to my body.

If the majority held cultural belief happens to be FGM an they believe that women enjoying sex is wrong and unethical and can lead to things that are wrong and unethical then yes they do need to be stopped. If the majority held cultural belief happen to be that everyone must be a Muslim/Jew/Christian/Hindu and

If your cultural beliefs violate human rights then you don't get to practice it. Just because a majority of assholes get together doesn't mean they can violate the rights of a minority group. That's where UN steps in.

I think majority of a population ganging up against the minority and not awarding them equal human rights is in the wrong and should conform! In any case whether it's about a minority group having the right to own property, practice their religion, right over their health and body, their sexuality, whatever it may be,

I grew up in a very conservative town and in debate class my partner and I were assigned abortion. I've been pro-choice since I was 16(the first time I thought about the subject). So we argued for choice and the other team argued against abortion rights and all the other team had to say was, "the bible says abortion

Sure the woman might need a few weeks to recover but it's child care that requires a lot of time off work. Not to mention women generally get sick less than men, we have better immune system and we are less likely to catch diseases. Men are also more likely to catch viral and bacterial infections than women. So the

If canada gave 6 months leave to the mother and 6 months leave to the father instead of 1 year to split however they want, then more fathers will take paternity leave.

If canada gave 6 months leave to the mother and 6 months leave to the father then more fathers will take leave.

So you want your kid to resent their dad? Kids also want their daddies. Which is why both parents need to take time out for child care and spend quality time with their children. Studies show spending any amount of hours with your kids doesn't do much good, it's about spending quality time with your children and

Did you know, for every young woman with a new child, there's a young man with a new child?! If we are a society that values children then men and women would both need to take time off to provide childcare for their children.

Since a man can't get pregnant, a man can't ask for maternity leave.

There was another difference in Solange's case and this case. One is about domestic abuse of a spouse/partner and the other is a fight between in-laws. If a male was to swing his arms at an in-law I would feel the same way about the incident as I did when Solange did it. It wouldn't matter if the male was swinging at

umm because the two cases are not the same. I don't think hitting someone is ever okay. No matter who it is, I only find it acceptable as a last resort to defend yourself. I thought Slonge behavior was reprehensible. I got into a fight with one of my good guy friends, who thought Jay Z probably deserved it and I told

I'm sorry but how someone feels emotionally doesn't trump science. Just because someone feels a certain way doesn't make it true. My friends are smart enough to know what their fetus is so I don't need to tell them. You're right about one thing though, the gifts i bring are not for a clump of cells. The gifts are

A. I didn't bring up abstinence, i brought up teaching abstinence only sex ed. B. If people think abstinence is a method of contraception then they're already wrong. Look up the definition of contraption. See this is what happens when people aren't given proper sex ed.

That's not done to make their wieners more attractive or out of pressure from the opposite sex or done in adult age through a very costly procedure. That being said, people should look into the reason for why they do that to their new born sons and think about it hard before going through with it.