
The reason a lot of people get infuriated when someone suggests the steps women should take to protect themselves is because every woman already knows that stuff. Like I sad we really do have people telling us, don't walk alone, watch your drink.... all the time!! I first heard it around the time i started puberty and

This advice works just like as much as abstinence only advice works. It Doesn't! Telling a girl about all the precautions she can take one more time when she has heard it about 100 times that year already probably won't help. I'm not saying stop giving kids this advice, i'm saying we already get it a lot! It's nothing

Trust me dude we hear it enough! All that says is this method isn't working. It's like saying abstinence only education, which is already taught but has little positive results, just needs to be taught more so it works. No! We need a different approach and method. I am not over exaggerating, we really do hear this

No one should have sex with someone who is incoherent. Whether you're incoherent from drinking, some sort of sedative, or an injury whatever.. bottom line is consent can't be given in that condition. It's not easy to know how much someone has had to drink or how alcohol effects that person but if you're coherent

because we're already told that. We're already told not to drink too much, watch our drinks, to be careful of our actions so it doesn't seem like we're inviting any unwanted attention, not to be alone ect. This already happens and has been happening. Every girl in this country has heard this advice (unless she was

Intent matters

The irony is if he didn't want the attention then he shouldn't have harassed a woman on the street. She didn't ask to be harassed by him in public. He catcalled her without her permission and made her feel uncomfortable in public. Maybe now he understands and he'll have more empathy. Not to mention in his case he's

If it were a white dude, go ahead and shame them all you want. If it's a minority male, maybe your efforts are better spent ignoring it...

There's a huge difference in looking and gawking. Staring with your eyes focused on one spot or with lustful eyes can make people feel uncomfortable. If you're looking, even if you check someone out or turn your head to get another look at a person can be fine as long as it's only to admire the person's beauty and

I agree 100%. I was just responding to the person who said, "men aren't making babies appear" Either way i don't know why i was trying to explain the logic behind the OP's comment. Forcing any person to go through a health procedure like this is appalling and not the kind of world I would like to live in.

The OP probably said have men get a vesectomy because it's reversible, easier and less invasive than the procedure for women. I disagree with the idea of force vesectomy completely but just saying that might have been OP's logic behind suggesting that.

This is not a big deal and that's the point! Someone made this woman's bathing suit into a big deal and treated her poorly and that shouldn't have happened. We are all saying this is not a big deal (her bathing suit that is) but someone else made it into a big deal. Someone being treated like this however is kind of a

It's about the father's choice too. His choice to ejaculate his sperm inside a woman. It's about his choice to do that and about his child. A woman doesn't have the right to control the man's body and control whether he can get her pregnant or not and just like that the man doesn't have a right to a woman's body and

That would be giving him rights over the woman's body. You're crossing a line there and no one has that right to another person's body. The man does have a choice, he can choose to ejaculate inside a woman or not. That's his choice from that point on he doesn't get to decide what happens inside a woman's body.

Yes unless it's a woman who's absolutely gorgeous and the man is just happy a woman like that is near him, words like too easy, slut, desperate, thirsty(i learned this one recently) come to mind. There was a study done by new mexico state i think that said it often leads to men having less respect for the woman.

The people that are worried about the safety aspects of Abortion are the same ones that don't want to regulate Air, Water, Food or Drugs.

I'm a very conventionally pretty girl and have a body type similar to what you see presented in the media so that's the reason for me not facing rejection. I have walked up to guys many times or been the one to initiate we hangout when i'm interested, it's just that I have never gotten turned down or i get asked

I haven't gotten rejected since I was in middle school and maybe early high school and from what i remember facing rejection was easier than having to explain why i'm not interested. Even as a young teenage girl i had the decency to take a No not interested and move on without demanding an explanation from the guy.

The reason women start using the boyfriend/husband method is because we have learned it works best. I learned this lesson in middle school when simply saying no i'm not interested meant I either had to answer a lot more questions and explain why exactly i'm not interested or get called a bitch or a tease

1. There is risk of executing an innocent person