Or companies on upward trajectories are more likely to appoint a woman as CEO?
Or companies on upward trajectories are more likely to appoint a woman as CEO?
You are risking the health and life of a fetus and potentially child by abusing drugs at the time of conception. It really is the same thing. You're knowingly pumping yourself with drugs while knowing you could conceive a child and cause deformities and health risks to that child yet deciding to have sex anyway. …
It's not my fault you're misinformed. You already know, a pregnant woman abusing drugs can be harmful to the development of the fetus which can cause many health problems once it's born. If her child is harmed because she abused drugs while pregnant then by law, she can face criminal charges and you are in favor of…
The part that unfairly targets women. A Father who uses drugs at the time of conception can also have negative, even life threatening effects on the child. So if we're going to charge women who use drugs and have a baby born with addicted or with a disability, shouldn't we also charge the father for his role in the…
Firstly locking up these mothers is not only unhelpful but also extremely expensive. Not to mention you're locking someone up for having a sickness which is also inhumane. Helping them get treatment for their addition and putting them in rehab would be more effective. Secondly if they're being charged for anything it…
How about not let your teenage boys go out alone just in case they rape someone. Even if you think your innocent child could never do that, you have to protect him from the bitches who lie and accuse "innocent boys" and "ruin their lives"
I don't understand why the poor girl who is raped gets shamed and no one says anything of the men/boys who rape them. They should be the ones being shamed(not to mention locked up in prison). It's sickening! UGHHkhdlfdksjflkdjf
Most of the artwork i've seen are women with rolls. Also now a size 23-25 inch waist on women is preferred but if we go back to early 1900s the ideal to strive for was 28-30 inch waist. Beauty standards for women's size has been shrinking
Drinking doesn't make someone a bad person. Almost every single one of my friends like to drink at social events and they're also great and wonderful.
Higher income per household, healthy workers, lower poverty rates, less crime, less discrimination, more equality makes for a better society and paid parental leave helps in accomplishing that. Also having the best workers and all workers contributing means more success for the country, and better economy, which also…
I don't think men more easily look younger than their age, it's that we expect women to look like they're in their 20s or younger forever. When men age the way human's are naturally supposed to, it's considered normal(which it is) but women on the other hand are expected to defy nature but when they age like normal…
That was not lost on me. I'm saying it's not fair to make students work harder than others for the same credit based on gender. The point does not justify the unfairness of the exercise in a class context, where it is inappropriate for a professor to assign work loads based on gender.
It was actually included in the same survey. If you would read the original times article you would've known that.
Actually yard work is included in that survey. Even if more men do yard work, it doesn't equal everything out because yard work takes less time.
I don't want to have children either but I still support paid parental leave for several reasons.
yeah in some cases maybe but moms get it in mostly every case.
There have been many articles on alone Jezebel in favor of male birth control. Go to Feministe or any other feminist website and type male birth control and you'll see it. Also like i said earlier it's not feminists who oppose it.
Feminists don't oppose male birth control. We have been encouraging more research for this for a long time now actually! It was (male) scientists and FDA that feels that hormonal birth control is "weird." Do a quick google search and you'll find lots written about it.
Wanting sex doesn't make you a creep. Straight women and lesbian women want sex too but that doesn't mean they can't be decent human beings and also want and enjoy consensual sex at the same time.
Just because you don't have a child to spend your time and money on doesn't mean all your time is being spent selfishly. You can spend that money on your spouse and time on making him/her happy, you can also donate your time and money to help lots more children than you would be able to if you have kids of your own.…