Having a child is also a choice you can't undo. You can actually adopt a child and become a parent or even get a surrogate later in life(if you can afford it) but you can never stop being a parent once you give birth to a child.
Having a child is also a choice you can't undo. You can actually adopt a child and become a parent or even get a surrogate later in life(if you can afford it) but you can never stop being a parent once you give birth to a child.
Fathers who're not around much because they had to work, still get excused because they had work. When people think of a workaholic dad situation they mostly feel sorry for the kid but if it's a woman the feelings are a little different. It's never "understandable" or seen as an "excuse" instead she is seen as a cold,…
But they do. Many of them choose to not take that choice.
No condoms can break even if you use it properly. Some aren't built the same way, some women don't get wet enough for condoms to work smoothly, some condoms dry out our vagina making it more likely to break, some women get dried after they orgasm and that can cause a condom to break and i can go on forever with a list…
You didn't understand the point. A woman can't control condoms or how they're used the same way she can when it comes to birth control pills. It would be pretty fucked up if a man goes to his gf/wife when it's time for her to take her pill and watches her take it and then checks to make sure she swallowed. He has to…
I don't think the OP said she wouldn't use condoms or she was planning on using deadly alternatives as oppose to condoms. From reading her post all I gathered was that no matter what she was going to have be dangerously inconvenienced when her current birth control expired. You replied with a condescending response…
No one in this thread had anything against using condoms. The only thing i've seen pointed out is that condoms also have a high failure rate. So even if she switches to condoms she could still get pregnant and the risk of her having an unwanted pregnancy would increase if she switches form her current birth control…
If a condom breaks that is the *condom's* fault
Except condoms are used by men not women. Putting them on right or putting them on at all is not up to her because it's not her body. What she can do is take hormonal birth control which will make her in charge of herself. If she doesn't have access to that then she doesn't have access to birth control. Also Female…
Even if parents aren't progressive enough to teach their daughters about safe sex they still do teach them precautions. So even conservative families like mine and your wife, we get the how not to get raped talk even if sex isn't discussed. That is why it's annoying to hear some dude or woman give us that advice which…
Actually I have very conservative muslim mother who won't discuss sex with me but has given me advice on how to not get raped. Make sure i'm not alone with a dude, never to put my drink down(not alcoholic drink, just any drink), not to dress or act in a suggestive manner so it doesn't give some guy the wrong idea…
That doesn't even make sense. It doesn't take more effort to say I'm not interested than to give a fake phone number (it actually might take more work to give a fake number because you have to remember it). The only way it makes sense to say women are doing it out of laziness is if saying i'm not interested means she…
I don't think feminists are trying to eliminate the role of a father. Quite the opposite actually. I'm a feminist and I believe loving parents are very important part of our society and it doesn't matter what the gender of that parent is. Parents should dedicate their love, time and resources into raising their child…
From my experience I have heard the term gold digger and cougar used way more often than any kind of negative name/label for a man with older or younger significant other.
Calling adoptive parents, parents is not the same as a man claiming to be pregnant. Adoptive parents are parents, now if they claimed to be the biological parents of the child that would be incorrect. However calling them parents is not incorrect. It is in no way claiming that they are biologically related to the…
My dad who grew up in a village in Pakistan did all that and even after we were born he also raised us(he doesn't call it "helping out" or doing any favors he calls it being a father and doing what a parent is supposed to do). He changed diapers, taught us how to walk, stayed up all night and carried each one of his…
Actually if someone you know says something inaccurate there's nothing wrong with correcting them as long as your intention isn't to be condescending
but it's still usually the woman who get's the negative labels. She's either a gold digger with daddy issues or she's a cougar.
males who commit suicide for not having the income to provide the necessary alimony.So I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Not having to be drafted.