
I think what cheerleaders do definitely meets the requirement for it to be a sport but I also think we should take out the part where cheerleaders cheer on another team. When they're there to cheer on their school's basketball, football or whatever team it makes what the cheerleaders do look less important than the

Sure little boys might look up girls skirts. Maybe it's intentional maybe it's not but like you said it happens and we can't control it. What we can control is whether that little boy will go on to make fun of that little girl, tease her, or talk about her in a demeaning way. That we can control! We can punish him so

They won't get involved to tell the person who's making this world a shitty place for all men and women to stop and be respectful but they'll get involved to tell women they shouldn't share their experiences.

Let's say you're in a room with 5 guys. 2 of the 5 make some crass remark, do you expect the rest to do so, or share the same views as well? Some people would. All I'm saying is that some of the men respond the way they do because they don't want to be instantly thought of as one of those 2 who felt it was acceptable

A man going into a bar doesn't want to be assumed to be a potential rapist or misogynist

Even if the defendant was only charged for violating the terms of his probation, it was clear from his comments that he did not think the man convicted of statuary rape got off easy. I get the sentence wasn't for the rape and that was out of the judge's control but it's obvious as day that in the judge's eyes the

Not bullshit. Didn't PlayGirl go under. and didn't they admit that mostly dudes read it. but ... they stories were wrote toward women. but women were not buying and reading it. gay men were. men like looking at skin. women dont. at lest not like men do.

You keep talking about how women and girls like males who're attractive assholes but it's obvious that you also chase after the type of women who're attractive assholes. Let the assholes date each other and think about maybe giving the not so pretty shy girl a chance. That poor girl isn't getting laid either while all

Yes because women's body parts are sexualized in way men's are not. Which needs to stop! These double standards and dress codes only perpetuate the problem

because porn is made for men. It focuses on the woman's body and shows men's fantasies. If porn focused more on men's bodies and i could see and hear the male porn stars enjoying and finding the sex pleasurable then I would definitely watch porn more. It would also help if society considered it just as normal for

Everything you have said is completely absurd but even if I was to agree with your nonsense, how would anyone know who the father of the child is? Should we give any man who claims to be the father right over women's body? Should we force women to remain pregnant until 3 months and then forcefully stick a needle into

Asia is the biggest continent and a very diverse one with many different ethnic groups even within single countries and each with their own culture. While people of every Asian country and ethnic group has their own culture different from other groups, they're still mostly all part of eastern culture. I'm Pakistani

Exactly! It's the outcome of seeing the world through the male gaze.

I actually explained my reasoning very well. Maybe you don't understand what a patriarchal culture is so maybe you should start with the basic 101 on this.

Fathers lose their children in custody cases because of patriarchal standards that dictate a woman's role as a caretaker. It is a patriarchal idea that men aren't supposed to be the primary caretaker of their children, it's the woman who does the child care and home making.

That's great but that's not how most people work, which is why all these unnecessary products are still being sold and costing people more money than they would want to spend.

Yes women are generally expected to get razors for women, or think that's what they need to get because they say for women on them. This is the case even if they're getting a basic razor which is no different from one right next to it which is made for men but cheaper. Many girls and women go to the store and see this

Most purses have pockets on the inside, so I still don't see why this product is necessary. If my purse didn't have a pocket then I would just keep it in my wristlet or something because it can be used for other things too, I already own one and paid good money for it and if I was to buy something to put condoms in I

That's not always how it works though. If society's standards push something on women they'll buy into it even if they don't want it. I don't think women like paying more for pink razors just because they're labeled for women but it's a successful product because they were successful at making it the societal

That analogy doesn't really work. Cheating is wrong because of your partner's dishonesty. For me it doesn't matter if my boyfriend/husband actually physically cheats on me because all that matters is he was willing to. If your significant other was interested in someone else and tried to get that person's number/tried