
He also runs that risk when he goes against exactly what he preaches and wants to implement on other people. Normally I don't care about consenting adults having any kind of sexual relationship but in this case the man wants to pass legislations that intervene on other's personal lives, based on his traditional

He was her boss, in a position of power. So that might call for why some of the blame falls on him.

um no she's a bad person for cheating on her husband. He's a bad person for cheating on his wife. The woman didn't make vows to his wife, only he did. He also preaches traditional family values to other people and wants to pass legislations based on that but yet doesn't uphold those same values himself. So he's

I don't think cheating on your spouse is cause to resign either and usually I think public should stay out of people's personal business and let couples handle these things the way they want. That being said in this case, this is a man who ran his campaign on family values and preaches family values. So if he can't do

Obviously it's much harder when you have an unplanned pregnancy or become a single parent without planning it. However this is different. These women planned their pregnancy and planned on raising their child as a single parent. I agree raising a child with a partner is much easier than doing it alone but just like in

Having a shitty father would be a lot worse than no father. So while for you not having a father might have sucked, many people would say having a bad father was the absolute worse. Also some people have two mothers, some have two fathers, some are raised by grandparents, some lose their parent at a young age, shit

It's really not any different at all. It's just another way to make it damn near impossible to get an abortion for those women who seek it. Plastic surgeons, dentists eats. aren't required to have such admitting privileges, even though they often perform much more dangerous procedures.

I think you're taking it wrong. My boyfriend has said the same thing to me, he can't survive without me and wouldn't be as happy without me but he believes that I'm so great that I don't need him. That's his opinion. He thinks i'm so great and finds me perfect but believes he's better because he's with me. Yet I think

Yes I was confused about karen being younger too. Also Mellie was trying again when Fitz was mad at olvia and nellie jumped into the shower with him any chance she got but Fitz always stopped her. Obviously she was a sexual person again, so I don't understand why fits is so upset or confused about her having sex with

If that was their aims then they should've shown the actors eating snickers before they started shouting at the women on the street. All other snickers add show people acting grumpy or weird first then someone offers them a snickers bar and they go back to being their normal self. Massive fail either way

If that was their aims then they should've shown the actors eating snickers before they started shouting at the women on the street. All other snickers add show people acting grumpy or weird first then someone offers them a snickers bar and they go back to being their normal self.

All I see girls wearing on school is lululemon or victoria's secret cropped skinny yoga pants. Which is what we referred to as leggings in my high school, university and even in law school.

How about skinny yoga pants?

That depends on the material of the leggings

What is unprofessional for one person is also unprofessional for another person. Two people showing the same amount of skin should be treated the same way by the dress code.

Same goes for low cut tops or tank tops. I'm a B cup so I can get away with wearing tops that someone with bigger breasts than mine wouldn't be able to. The only message this sends is that you should be ashamed of your body and that girl's body parts are shameful.

1 – Companies with women CEOs have higher percentages of women board directors and women executive officers than companies with male CEOs.

The rate of child abuse by biological parents is even more appalling. Children are more likely to be abused by their own parents than anyone else. Should we put cameras in every home to protect children?

You know what's much more likely than something like that happening? The parents of that child abusing their children. Should we put cameras in every home to make sure that doesn't happen?

Yes because women are usually also the primary care taker of the children, that would mean they take their kids to the one-bedroom with them. Not to mention being the primary caretaker also means she's more likely to earn less than her ex/husband so she would still suffer more than her husband if he was moving out. So