
@hinges: Looks like MS might be building a Zune HD2 / iPod Touch equivalent: [gizmodo.com]

I really liked the original #Spelunky, but I often found myself a little demotivated by the game's random structure and lack of finite objectives. Thinking about this #XBLA version has made me think "Maybe I'd like it better with #achievements?", which is, in all honesty, a bit weird.

@Agam720: "Proceeds from the sale will go to Youthworks of Baltimore."

"It sounds like Microsoft still doesn't have a whole lot of interest in pushing the Zune as a gaming platform."

@RagnarokBlade: I don't know about Oblivion, but Fallout 3 installs SecuROM.

It's like Canabalt meets Lost Vikings?

@Teran: This would be fantastic. But I'm mainly excited that I can switch to steam chat as my main chat service - no more Alt-Tabbing to see which one of my Mac friends is talking.

Wow. I remember this. It came free with our first DVD drive. This game seemed incomprehensibly huge at the time. Took me until a couple of years later, when I dug it out again, to actually beat it.

Am I completely losing it here, or has everyone else missed the point? Windows Phone 7 Series* is the Xbox portable.

@Pillybaul: Sony won't. Their mobile phone division is a joint venture with Ericsson (hence Sony Ericsson), so to allow a PlayStation phone would be to hand Ericsson the keys to their PlayStation brand (of which they are very protective). Of course, Sony could release a PSPhone on their own, but I suspect their

Eeeurgh! What is with her fingers? (See the animated model at the link: [us.blizzard.com] )

A fun little surprise? Didn't they raze the city, and slaughter everyone but Aeneas, his dad and his kid? I mean I can't say it's too soon to be making jokes, but that doesn't make it in good taste!

@Mamba the Madvillain: My point is, why hadn't you used them? As I understood it, the glitch empties your backpack - does it also shrink your backpack back to 12 slots?

@Mamba the Madvillain: You had eleven SDUs in your backpack? Your 12 slot backpack? When there are only 10 in the game?

@JayEdGahoover: It may not constitute piracy (unless you count unlicenced use of their drive firmware), but that doesn't mean you didn't break the terms of their EULA.

@Piemonkey: Not to mention you can get a controller and reciever bundled for barely more than a controller alone. (I'm sure this isn't UK only, but hey, I've been wrong before.) #modernwarfare2combatcontroller