
Doesn't the new A Boy & His Blob have a Hug Button? #timrogers

@diagorus: Consoles come with controllers. They're assumed. PC's don't even have an accepted controller standard (there's both standard USB ones, and the GfW endorsed 360 controllers). #thewitness

Resistance 2's multiplayer was broken in one very important way. Splitscreen coop did not work. You were required to accrue experience to unlock new abilities etc, but a second player in splitscreen could not save this progress. Ruined the whole thing. #resistance2

@Blore07: Really? My brother picked up a cheap copy of Ao2 to tide us over between Gears 2 and Resi 5. With those two games for company, it's shortcomings were... thrown into sharp relief.

$50 more than the PS3 or $50 less than the PS3? #pspgo


@hinges: No wait, i've got that the wrong way round, he sneers at the opium den, being a cocaine addict.

Opium =/= cocaine.

@Stephen Totilo: This takes me back to 2004, when I was floored (sorry) by the reflective tiles in the station at the start of Half Life 2.

The icon they press at the start is the logo for Unity - a suite for developing 3d games for the web or for iPhone. It's what the Flashbang/Blurst guys use (Velociraptor Safari, Minotaur Chinashop, Crane Wars, etc.) If this were a fake, why would they use that particular icon?


@Pombar: It seems that all of Battle.Net is down - 403 on all pages I've tried, and "Server Error" on the forums.

DNF: Did Not Finish.

...and I wonder how many kids passed out from playing Track & Field?

How do you press A and B simultaneously?

It doesn't work - or more specifically, it doesn't convince people to buy things they otherwise wouldn't.