
@hinges: That's a no then. I'm not allowed to agree to the terms of service on my zune account (I could get a new Canadian account, but then my gamertag and zune tag would be different). At least the RSS one works fine.

I have an imported Zune, so this is good news... IF the zune software will let me access it from outside the US, that is.

Don't you mean Master System?

Why are the fish-eye sections of the trailer just cropped with curved edges and not actually drawn with fish-eye geometry? I'm totally not buying this game if it can't deliver the hot real time lens simulating action I crave. Hop to it, Black Box!

It's a sad fact, but no Spyro game will ever best the original without Insomniac developing it.

The "Create a Song" mode just sounds like it'll involve MIDI style guitar, drum and bass samples for you to build into a song. There's no way they'd let you put an mp3 or CD in - the record companies wouldn't have it, and they'd cannibalise their own DLC sales.