
Gish & Super Meat Boy are both Edmund McMillen games (hence the similar art styles), so lets throw in Monaco, which uses it for line of sight.

They did, but it's not what you think. Let There Be Rock, Any Way You Want It, Battery, Give It Away and Spoonman were cut from the export because of licensing issues - the original RB2 contract only required the songs to work in the game, and when they went back to license the songs for export, the bands/labels said

This is actually two different meanings of the word "compression" (compare: [en.wikipedia.org] and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audio_compression_(data) ). The effect you describe is also a bit more subtle - a solo violin is actually easier to compress well; cymbals and other "noisy" (in the technical sense) sounds

"You can always compress music down to a lossier format" - this is true, but unfortunately if you start with a lossy file it's like taking a photocopy of a photocopy - the result is going to be worse, at the same bitrate, compared to a file encoded from the lossless version. This reveals one additional problem with

There's nothing stopping them making a card format that can be read only OR rewritable.

Hmmm, the website won't let me promote this with the button. Does replying work?

If both card formats are proprietary and only for use in a PSV, why are they different? What's the point? I understand that Sony loves to have it's own proprietary format for everything, and I can understand the reasoning for it, but can't they just release "MemoryStick VITA" as their new memory stick format AND ALSO

So what do they mean by "develop a Tricorder"? Isn't it a sort of "Swiss army knife" of different scanners and sensors? If so, I have one in my pocket - It has a compass, an accelerometer and various radio transmitters and receivers - all in one neat device.

It's probably worth mentioning that this is Nolan North. AGAIN.

"8 gigabytes of on-bard flash-based memory, smaller than the 20GB optional harddrive for the Xbox 360 in 2005"

Why wasn't the Road Rage reboot given to Criterion?

@Incursor: It's a keyboard. Also, most of the letters are on the other side.

This isn't holography, this is just a 2D display reflected in plate glass, like a teleprompter.

@StoneGold: This illustrates my point. Redemption was a sequel in name only, because it looks less financially risky that way. I mean, I'm not saying it would never have been greenlit if it wasn't a sequel (they're publishing LA Noire, after all), but you just know they're thinking about Redemption 2 (and LA Noire 2

@Duuuuuuude: It's sad because this is the norm. A game concept doesn't get a big budget unless it has an existing license or is trying to launch a new one. Games aren't allowed to be one-shots.

@StoneGold: Red Dead Redeption is Red Dead Revolver 2. Red Dead Revolver was originally a Capcom reboot of Gun.Smoke.