
Can they get me a GPU?

I think you’re 100% right, but we just be happy if they all agree to use the same charger.  

I think I’m cringing much more about the ridiculous alpha male posturing. It’s so embarrassing.  Two 50 year old men have a dick measuring contest in every scene. 

Welcome back to the sporty side of car enthusiasm. 

Try getting these bros in the back of your BRZ.

Just FYI, the goal of that particular piece is the part where you wrote an article about it.  I’m sure the guy dressed as a city worked too. 

I hate the dealership system, even if we end up paying the same price, I’d rather just buy the damn car and be on my way.  I don’t want to spend a whole afternoon with their weird high pressure sales tactics.

Every CRV looks worse than the generation before. 

I was going to guess a hood that slopes toward the windshield. 


I’m good with the debt I already have, thanks. 

Rogue* not Rouge

That’s so United.

Its butt is falling off. 

Wait - so does this end with her drowning puppies to turn them into coats? Or is 101 Ds her first time? I feel like it’s not an origin story if she doesn’t graphically drown at least one puppy and skin it in this children’s movie.

When can I order new cars for a sticker price and not over pay? Haggling is so dumb on something as fixed in value as a new car. They know exactly what the overhead on that car was, why can’t they just determine their margins and set a price? Its not an old house or a used car where the value is debatable.

Jason, please stop trying to sell your Pao in the WCSIB column.  Live with your choices and leaky seals. 

Live by the sword, die by the sword. No reason to be respectful about a terrible man who wouldn’t expect or grant the same courtesy.

That is the car version of a Steve Harvey brown baggy pinstripe suit.