
Do it. 

It looks like the Hammerhead Eagle i-Thrust.

CRZ wasn’t that bad, just needed a power bump, and rear seats.

I’m so upset. 

This is the worst. 

I sold my MSM for 9,000 with 60000 miles. And mine was red with a matching hardtop and interior.   This seems very overvalued. 

The Lexus LFA has the ideal intake for the scanning red light.

I think it’s more like the Bronco Sport is the Bronco they know they can sell, but using the name on a crossover would get bad press. The Bronco standard is the Bronco they know will get good press. So they just made both and problem solved.

Automatic is kinda a buzz kill on this excitingly cheap money pit. 

Wow just looking at those cubby doors in the wayback really brings me back.  I spent so much time as a kid back there.  One of those cubbies was just always super sticky inside with a few loose legos. And the other one was covered with orange silly puddy inside.  When that van finally died after 180,000 miles, my mom

Honestly, I agree with you on the exterior. It’s not THAT bad, just a bit provocative. But the interior is a nonstarter for me.  Why cant we have a nice all leather brown interior or at least a black leather interior, stop adding sports bag accents. you too Veloster N. so close to perfect cars, ruined with an interior

Is my brain broken if I wonder what kind of car Pollock was in when he died?

1st Gear - I dunno, something needs to change at Mitsubishi. It’s not like the last 15 years have been good for them. Maybe some silver lining is the shake up could shake some cars loose. 

There were 23 ads interrupting this article. That’s wayyyyyy too many, your corporate overlords are out of control.

I went lease deal shopping last month in the luxury entry level area, and I was shocked how noncompetitive BMW’s deals were with all their competitors. Way more expensive, like they’re not even trying to convince you.  I just assumed they must be doing great and don’t need to coax.  Now I’m confused.

Side topic: I secretly like the Fiat Renegade. I just wish they all had the Trailhawk rather than the Kia Soul front bumper, and I wish it came with shocks. 

This making me want to go searching for a clown shoe.

A new overpriced front bumper and some overpriced badges and wam bam pow you got yourself an Aston Martin. 

Touchscreens are bad idea in cars. I have a master’s degree in product design, but it doesn’t take any overpriced degrees to know that any control you have to look at every time to use, doesn’t belong in a car. Especially a safety feature. You were right the first time Jason. It’s not being anti Telsa or anti progress

This van has a good shape.