He’s saying it directly to rich people!
In retrospect, my initial sarcastic response added nothing to the discussion and only became absurd, I apologize. The differentiation of skill in basketball versus track does clarify much better, so that’s helpful in me understanding you. I follow that testosterone levels may impact muscle growth and therefore speed…
If fantasy is a problem (as opposed to reality) then anyone playing violent video games is a potential murderer.
To all my Cali peeps; I just received this alert re the state extending the enhanced benefits if the Senate won’t :
As a data scientist/statistician , I really don’t understand the hatred for Metacritic. Averages can be a good way to orient oneself when exploring data and trying to understand an underlying process. It’s only the first step but it’s still a useful metric. The problem occurs when people rely too much on one number…
Then youd be very surprised to hear that a ton of people who make that kind of money put themselves in a position to be paycheck to paycheck.
I firmly think that if the Senate votes and acquits him, the DNC should start openly soliciting help from foreign interests to take out their Senators. If you’re going to say it’s normal, let’s make it normal.
There is absolutely no indication whatsoever that this whistleblower thing is going to go any differently than the Mueller report. Thinking these tweets mean he’s “feeling” anything is exactly like Van Jones’ “he stood upright, didn’t shit in his pants, and read what he was told to read” HE’S SO PRESIDENTIAL NOW…
Social media was a mistake...
the claim should be investigated fully and thoroughly.
I’m just here for the comments where someone tries to defend NOT installing a free client that doesn’t effect them in the least, and how I’m the idiot for not seeing “the truth”.
Prediction: The crowd will start the chant. Trump will, in fact, “silence the crowd, tell them, ‘Hey, don’t do that...’”
Imagine getting this indignant about basic transparency. Of course, why would we expect anything else.
As the article mentions, breastfeeding in public is legal in the US. This is because breastfeeding is a means to feed an infant. It's not a sexual act.
So. Like. Let’s be real. Online harassment isn’t okay. That’s a fact. Name calling isn’t okay either. Calling a woman a slut because she wears low cut tops is just dumb.
Co-host Brian Kilmeade then adds that “other restaurants can hear about you, and then they want you.”