
All the while our lives are slowly getting more misreable and more expensive every year because of corporate greed.

Are you saying we shouldn’t tax billionaire wealth, in case they flee?

It’s so bad. Literally every single one of the greatest hits of logical fallacies of why billionaires not paying taxes is ok is present.

Cool, we can keep it for the small fish.

Because it doesn’t take a degree in political journalism, or whatever credential you’re looking for, to point out that a billionaire not paying taxes is wrong. 

Why don’t we just tax billionaires based on their wealth, not their income?

This comment section just has all the greatest hits. Sigh.

You’re not smart. You’re just like all the other commenters, pointing out an ultimately meaningless side point about the ridiculousness of these peoples’ wealth, and how they avoid taxes on it.

God the comments on this article are predictably depressing.

It’s not the same, because one is a massive company losing 0.00000001% of their worth, the other is a working class person losing meaningful money.

The only narrative being confirmed here is that southern idiots will keep voting against their best financial interests. 

Southern idiots used to voting against their best financial interests, is about 90% of it. The other 10% being disinformation from amazon. 

If this was part of some larger scale unionizing plan, having this very important vote happen in Alabama first has a huge mistake.

The “no combat” thing really hard turned me off from this initially, but I think i’m gonna have to give this a try. 

This may represent 33% of the typical black opinion on this matter, but I bet another 33% actually like that the spotlight is being shown on Black Pain, as you put it. And the other 33% don’t care.

You “cancel culture” fucks can go sit on it.

I’ll stand by my belief that there are too many factors to account for to create a self driving program until the day I die. 

Goddamn that’s a piss poor apology rofl.

I wanted to believe we could come together for this like we (kind of) did for 9/11, but alas. Right wing “freedumb” politics had other plans.

Just because 10's of millions of idiots vote conservative against their best interests doesn’t make their opinions logical or valid, sorry.