It’s not the same, because one is a massive company losing 0.00000001% of their worth, the other is a working class person losing meaningful money.
It’s not the same, because one is a massive company losing 0.00000001% of their worth, the other is a working class person losing meaningful money.
The “no combat” thing really hard turned me off from this initially, but I think i’m gonna have to give this a try.
This may represent 33% of the typical black opinion on this matter, but I bet another 33% actually like that the spotlight is being shown on Black Pain, as you put it. And the other 33% don’t care.
You “cancel culture” fucks can go sit on it.
I’ll stand by my belief that there are too many factors to account for to create a self driving program until the day I die.
Goddamn that’s a piss poor apology rofl.
I wanted to believe we could come together for this like we (kind of) did for 9/11, but alas. Right wing “freedumb” politics had other plans.
Just because 10's of millions of idiots vote conservative against their best interests doesn’t make their opinions logical or valid, sorry.
Your first sentence is just a huge ?????????. Where the hell did that come from.
I’ve long since given up looking up anything trans related. Cause there are the hateful wackos on the right that peddle all this crazy shit, then there are well intentioned, but delusional, people like you on the other side saying another set of wrong things, in an over zealous attempt to be supportive. It’s almost…
Exactly. It’s “cancel culture” when it happens to them, but not when they do it to our side? Huh?
“Simply because you don’t like their opinion”. No.
Losing a job isn’t “having your entire life destroyed” first of all.
I didn’t say it was dependent on their ability to have children, you made that leap. Like you said, many women have various medical conditions that make them infertile. That doesn’t make them any less women.
Yikes. Go back to breitbart.
In before “Cancel culture blah blah blah”.
Trans women don’t have ovaries and a vagina. They aren’t full females. They don’t have periods.
If you’re struggling with an income of 80k for an individual, or 160k for a household, you’re doing something immensely wrong.
What are your thoughts 0n Caster Semenya.
What are your thoughts on Caster Semenya.