2 series Gran Coupevertible GT Xdrive.
But it is kind of funny how they have a disclaimer up during the whole commercial, 'complete fantasy, cars can't jump on trains' as if to say, 'I can't believe we have to tell you but.....'
"Throwing hot dogs in Juan Pablo's mouth" will forever more be my favorite euphemism for blow-jays. Or any sexual activity.
Yes that is a black man.
Nothing is binding about it
$1,243 for an afternoon threesome at a tony golf club is about par for the course - giggity.
Are you suggesting, 'but it was pretty' is not an ok response? Good thing politics aren't in my future!
Just be prepared to explain your decision to a special prosecutor or a congressional committee.
Congratulations! You're 100% qualified for a career in politics.
You'd imagine that means it draws a great deal of attention. But it doesn't. In New York City traffic, a few wayward glances are all it got, mostly from European tourists that were probably wondering why we aren't buying more Sciroccos. Oh, there was also one angry man yelling that I didn't cede my right of way to him…
I mean WHAT is the deal with the styling?...It so looks like this other car...and you can get like 300 V6 Mustangs for the same price.
Yeah he sounds just like a typical Jalopnik commenter...
I hope it blew you away.
She's her own biggest fan.
Richard Sherman, a legitimately interesting guy whose story hits on all sorts of intersections of sports and American culture and draws serious interest from the public, is also a first-rate entertainer and—most important—a truly elite football player.
Wow, that 'hell of a game' actually did sound sincere. That surprised me.
Subaru made the 360.