
Zod's Not Dead

I think the difference is that love is genuinely caring more about your partner's needs (or whoever) than your own needs. Happiness in ep 9 is caring about yourself enough so that you don't put others' needs above your own out of obligation. Also, their order is important. For love (well adjusted love) to work

As a fellow enjoyer of Five Iron Frenzy, Beatriz might be my new favorite actress. Also they have a new album out (as of Nov. 2014) and it is pretty good.

I work at a church in Pasadena. At least one of the episodes was shot at the church. There must be a flashback scene because there were 70s cars and monks in bad wigs hanging around for a couple days.

I was once in a test screening for Wild Hogs (2007). Not as entertaining as you might think. Or maybe just as entertaining as you might expect from a Tim Allen movie that isn't Galaxy Quest.

Fun fact of the day: Arnold Schwarzenegger's T800 was dubbed into german by another actor because of his Austrian accent.

Matriarchal societies are rare, but they exist though mostly in (for lack of a better term) primitive groups. I remember seeing one in a documentary call "The Salt of the Earth" about the photographer Sebastião Salgado. It was in no way about this stone age society in the Amazon, but they mentioned the societal

I love her stand up, and the movie that was recently released, but one of my favorite things she's done is pushing a stool across the stage on Conan.

The ontological argument depends on Platonic ideals or forms (or something like that). The idea being that everything we see or experience is a shadow of the ideal form that exists… somewhere else (see Plato's cave). If you accept the realm of forms, then the ontological argument makes sense. If not, it doesn't.

I have one of those journals at home right now. I haven't really kept up with it, but then again, I don't watch TV on TV. Community moving to Yahoo just means I had to remember a different URL to find it.

I'd love a box set of the weird half-season shows that networks seemed to just have laying around and ran to fill air time.

Now I'm going to have to rewatch the episode. Paget reciting lists is one of my favorite things.

Raptor was the first game I looked for.

I watched 20,000 days with almost no familiarity with Cave and thought it was nearly transcendent. Donkey Lips is right, this is a lot more than a music doc.

Same here. It really isn't that different from what I wear on a daily basis anyways. I just swapped the belt for suspenders and added my bow-tie. Too bad my sonic screwdriver is in storage.

Right after college I put about a week's thought and prep into an Aurther Dent costume from Hitchhicker's guide to the Galaxy. I realized too late that I just looked like a guy who had just rolled out of bed.

I am a huge fan of Evan Dahm of Rice-boy.com. His current project, Vattu has been great.

When I first head the concept of a gigabyte I thought there was no way I would ever be able to fill that much space up. Now 1TB seems a bit on the small side.

I am always happy to see when he shows up in something, even if it takes me a minute before I remember that he was that guy from "now and again"

Thanks for the tip! I'll have to grab those when I have both the time and money to do so.