
My story is also about Where the Red Fern Grows. I read it on my own in class in 5th grade, and cried my eyes out, and again when we read it as a class in 7th grade, though at least I wasn't the only one the second time.

Both really get to me. I started to get choked up at the picture at the top of the page.

Same here. I love Vonnegut, but have apparently missed several of his books. Sirens of Titan in particular seems to fit my tastes nicely (based on the synopsis here). Maybe if someone would publish a nice "complete works of" set bound in cloth, I would buy it and ignore the world for a month while reading through his

I would fund that, if I had the funds to do so.

I don't think I've ever found anyone else who uses it, but I like Arno Pro for small print (10pt). Easily readable at that size. Mostly looking for a decent font that isn't TNR, because, YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!

I remember reading that sans-serif fonts work better on screen because of pixels. Serifs come to crisp points when printed, but the pixels in our monitors prevent the letters from rendering as smoothly.

I really want to hear your version on the recorder now.

I started as an undergrad in Fall '03. At the time the school's network was pretty open and you could access other people's shared folders easily, ergo massive file sharing. I don't know who shared Clone High, but I am forever grateful.

The kids were certainly part of it. However, it is worth mentioning that the engine is just about the only place on the train, besides the tail, that doesn't have windows. (I think the Sauna and Opium den lacked windows, but why would either have them in the real world?) The engine felt, to me at least, more

Thanks for the correction. I rewatched the series a few weeks ago and couldn't remember the exact numbers.

For what its worth, while Nixon had never fired a round, he had seen as much if not more action than anyone. Winters points out that he is probably the only one in the company ( or battalion, I can't remember which) with four jumps. The rest had three. It probably messed him up even more to have never fired his weapon

I saw this at Sundance and really liked it. A good part of that might have been the aesthetic and sci-fi aspect might have been made to appeal directly to me. Nevertheless the whole thing is well crafted and well acted, if not a masterpiece. I agree with the B/B+.

No, your Dad's response was the appropriate one.

I got to see this at Sundance and absolutely loved it. There are, for a black and white movie, a lot of discussions of color, which I will have to look at when I see the movie again.

I made ratatouille once because of the movie, and it was nothing like what they depicted. I was a little disappointed, but it was alright.

While their conversation mostly is about men, they do talk about badminton. It is not the best evidence, but I say it passes. Mostly I feel the need to defend my favorite Disney Movie.