
I don’t know. I still get a juvenile chuckle out of “pillowpants” and the “listerfiend” occasionally.

The only way I see this getting made is if Universal decides it’d give Peacock (or whatever the hell they call their streaming service) some necessary push and make a made-for-tv reunion movie the way they did with Psych when they first started it.

In an ideal world, that’s true.  In modern hollywood, it’s all about what sort of fan base can you bring in with existing IP.  If Peacock wanted attention, they could try to do a reunion made for tv movie like they’ve done with Psych.

I’d watch it.

I’m generally against naming and shaming someone, but, fuck, that dude from letter 1 needs everyone in their social circle to know what kind of an asshole he is so no one else has to deal with that.  And being friends with him after that?  Fuck that, man.  

Yeah, that’s straight up abusive relationship warning sign #1.  Well, maybe #2.  #1 is finding out they put it on the phone without asking/telling.


Unless LW1 has been with their niece 24/7, in and out of the bedroom, they have no idea what said niece has been doing, and with whom. They may not have lived together, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t having sex (with each other or others). Hell, just because it’s 2021, if they both have strictly religious families

A much more reasonable response than his usual, “monogamy is stupid and not natural so don’t do it” line.

I think my appreciation of each episode hinged primarily on whether or not I recognized the songs and, also, how little the main character’s love triangle garbage played a role in the storyline.

I just didn’t think either of her relationships (or that side trip with a potential relationship with the kid she used to

That just means that she does this because she honestly enjoys it and not for the paycheck unlike other actors who are clearly just in it for the money.

I don’t know. Calling Fairies “the fey” or “fey folk” has a long tradition in fantasy fiction. Unless you’re using “fairy” to slur gays, then yes, absolutely. It was common in noir detective fiction in the 1930's/40's when it was sort of like “confirmed bachelor” to allude to someone being effeminate/gay without

Sucks that the show ended and that he had such an apparently shitty experience, but it’s great to hear someone giving their honest opinion that’s not filtered through some PR flack.  Hopefully for him, his MCU money is good and the roles keep coming so he can stay honest and not regret burning his bridges.

I have to say that I like it better than Schitt’s Creek.  Well, except the Janet-centric episodes.  She’s by far the weakest character and the show got better when it expanded and spent less time focusing on her.

I really need some context or the full story behind “The fuck are you doing?”

My only issue with this comparison is that, as a white man, it’s always fun to laugh at rich out of touch people, but, at the beginning of Kim’s convenience at least before I knew the characters, I was afraid I was laughing at rather than with the characters (the whole Chappelle’s Show thing). I don’t think I was,

What happened to ze/zir?

You mean like their youngest son who they seem to only remember once every 3-4 episodes?

Thanks, I might check it out.

It’s been in my queue, but would also like to know if there is a firm ending so I can decide whether or not to watch it before deleting.