
Was this even really Fin Dom or just paying for a Dom to insult him?

Don’t go saying bad things about Uma’s ass.

I signed the petition for Burton way back in December/January.  I didn’t hear anything about him actively campaigning until a month or so ago.  He waited for others to put his name forward, and, when that wasn’t getting it done, started campaigning himself.  That seems like a bit of restraint to me.

When are they going to just say fuck it and hire Will Ferrell to do it in character as Alex?

Hell, maybe he wasn’t out to himself yet.  Maybe that’s what all the depression was about.  Trying to figure things out.

Yeah, writing to process her feelings and then destroying the letter seems the best approach here.

Dr. Oz is white?

I mean, part of that is that she was hired to be semi-controversial.  I haven’t actually watched that show, but, on shows like that, they hire people to make sort of outrageous statements and good-naturedly argue with each other.  Her privilege led her to not understanding that there was a line to that, which she

I just wish they’d get the damn rights figured out so somebody could stream Ed (or release it on physical media).

What I’m hearing from you is that they’re just paying a shitload of money to get a good case of CancerAIDS?

Somehow, this needs to find away to get Samuel L. Jackson involved because it’s clearly a Snakes on a Plane sequel.

Nah, he’s an asshole for many things.  In this case, it’s the hypocrisy of throwing a tantrum when someone directs his main tactic against him.

The same question showed up on The Slate’s Dear Prudence this week, and her response was to find someone (preferably a therapist) with whom to talk her feelings through. Therapy seems to a a much more common suggestion there while Dan’s preferred response seems to be “full on monogamy is a lie and not attainable by

I’m in the same boat.  Heard so many good things when it came out, started watching episode one, said, “I don’t have time for this right now, need to save it for later” and there it still is in the list.

So wait, if this dude wasn’t even there according to his wife, and the original tweet is describing someone (without a name or a picture) who died tasing themselves in the balls, why does his wife think the tweet is about him and why are we listening to some random lady saying her husband wasn’t even there?

Nah, the ones who tasered themselves in the balls are the ones who posted themselves on social media breaking in. Oh wait, that’s pretty much all of them, so you’re right after all.

Don’t underestimate the evil of Sid the Science Kid.

I don’t get why everyone’s calling that a concession.  Nowhere in that transcript do I see him admitting that he lost (or Biden won) the election.  He’s admitting he’ll no longer be president, but not conceding defeat by any means.

I wonder if things would have been more smoothely integrated had they had a chance to finish out season 5 and then she left at the end of it as she’d planned.