
Hell, they have a series of graphic novels about the time between Aang and Korra, so they already have source material if they wanted to use it.

And a blue-skinned chick with a tail to play her role in Avatar.

I hate Trump with a fiery passion, but I just wanted to use this opportunity to say Fuck Epic Games and their business model.

Apparently, History isn’t the only thing we do a terrible job of teaching. Grammar standards might need a re-evaluation as well.

Did you grow up in the South?

It’s funny because your ignorance about history (and the causes of that ignorance) is literally what this piece is about.

Honestly, I’m sort of glad it didn’t get a second season.  It kind of wrapped up its story.  Sure the first season was fun, but I don’t think a second season would have been the same.

Or, if it’s one of the incompetent judges that Trump appointed (even against ABA recommendations), AG could win a lawsuit because Constitution Blogosohere Covefe Trapezius.

Eh, they have lawyers on retainer for just such an occasion. The point is to force this Adam fellow to have to get his own lawyers and waste a lot of his time and money (or intimidate him into folding before he does so) even though he’d most likely win in the end if he has the resources to stick it out.

Is that something that someone needs to apologize for?  

Yeah, what  the frick was up with that?  I was so confused with trying to figure out who the hell this was.  In addition to a very much younger actor, he also had very different characteristics.

You sir (or ma’am) deserve all the stars I can give.

Only if it means stopping armed government forces from impinging on the rights of white people.  The gubmint can do what it wants to colored folks, the 2A-ers don’t care about that at all.

This title made me think that all the main actors had gotten together to regularly pee on kittens or something. I mean, this is terrible too, but “everyone involved” to me means actors, directors, writers, grips, hands, folks like that, not a bunch of faceless production companies.

Yeah, I don’t get why strap on + eating her out after making a deposit wasn’t mentioned at all.

And that’s why I’m one of the last few holdouts with a dvd Netflix subscription.  I’ll wait another couple months after that and see it and then sent it back without cluttering my collection.

Yeah, I didn’t get the whole suggestion for a strap on.  She was visualizing how good she was making her partner feel as he comes, which feels more like an empathy thing and I don’t think (but have no way of knowing) could be replicated with the strap on.  If she were fantasizing about thrusting into her partner, the

Especially watching the final season with commercials and only in SD.  At least around me, there is no HD version of PopTV.

Along with this show, the show that was initially titled Scrotal Recall (before Netflix renamed it Lovesick) is an excellent show that was initially hurt by its name.  In the case of Schitt’s Creek, I think, for me anyway, it was less the name and more the initial advertisements.  I thought it looked like it was just

Does Mr. Skin still exist? I remember it from the late 90's (and then Knocked Up or whatever talked about it), but I wasn’t aware it was something that still was a thing.