
Yeah, that seemed the obvious conclusion to me.  Must have been so obvious that they discarded it and decided to subvert our expectations.  You just knew there had to be a trick by Doug Judy in there somewhere though.

Yeah, that’s almost always the case with those things.  The more moving parts, (especially when exposed to cold and moisture) the more likely they are to break down.

Thank you for making me spray some diet soda into my keyboard.  It wasn’t feeling sticky enough.

Nah, Gungans lay eggs.  Not that anyone wanted any of Jar Jar’s eggs.  Except that one time that Princess Amidala and Anikan were super hungry after an extremely athletic round of making Luke and Leia and accidentally ate one in an omelet.  

And the Gungan cupped his balls while he did it.

at least his “useless, powerless failure” who was “a not-quite-identical clone” does. 

If you’re judging based solely on movie returns, you’d be arguing that George Clooney isn’t a famous movie star, and that’s clearly bullshit.

I think that’s what I knew him from.  I knew of Romeo + Juliet, but didn’t see it until much later (and never got around to watching Titanic).  I knew who he was though.

Eh, he really didn’t want to be president anymore, remembered how Kevin Hart got out of hosting the Oscars last year, and thought it was worth a try.

But non-apology apologies, are the best kind of apologies.  I know my wife sure appreciates them and gives me all the lovin’ when I giver her an, “I’m sorry it hurt your feelings that I...”

I don’t know, I think the first Saw may have been a bit of a risk at the time.  On the whole though, I get your point.

Maybe not these particular guys, but the AV Club used to be more news-adjacent at the very least a dozen or so years ago when they always had to justify themselves as “the Onion’s serious little brother...you know, the one that isn’t made up for laughs.”

I quite enjoyed the second season, except the bit where they made the handicapped due the villain at the end.

Didn’t he also go to jail for stabbing a guy or something?  I don’t think he was using a trident while riding a bear, but maybe it’s best that he lay low for a while nonetheless.

At first I thought they were hyping a rerun or something.  Very confusing.

I have a smaller version of this, and I’m pretty happy with it (got it for ~$100 on a pre-Christmas sale for the bedroom).  I don’t mind a couple year old technology.  What made me the happiest was that there wasn’t even an active motion smoothing option to turn off.  I guess they’d figured out that no one wanted that

I have a smaller version of this, and I’m pretty happy with it (got it for ~$100 on a pre-Christmas sale for the

My problem with them isn’t that they exist so much as the fact that I’m too lazy to make separate accounts for me and for my kids. This past summer (I think) that led to an autoplaying of the trailers for either Sex Ed or Bonding every night for a week or two when I would sit down with the kids and turn on the netflix

I don’t know, but it sure seems like plugging it in and having to deal with a trailing extension cord would be a PITA.  Maybe not as big as actually shoveling, but I live in a climate where the snow hasn’t gotten over 2 inches deep the last 4-5 winters, so I just drive over it.  One of the nice things about living in

I don’t know, but it sure seems like plugging it in and having to deal with a trailing extension cord would be a

When I finally stopped reading the Jack Ryan/John Clark books, John Clark was clearly the more action-y (and, to me at the time, cooler) character, so I was definitely taken aback by how directly involved in military actions Jack Ryan is in the show.