
Yeah, it had been forever since I’ve read any Tom Clancy, so I thought that Matisse guy was John Clark and I was just mis-remembering his name - right up until what happened to him in Season 2.

I just remember the movie for Salma Hayek in old timey long underwear with the back flap not fastened all the way so you could see the crack of her glorious ass.  Hell, my imagination my have made that up (and I’m not putting myself through watching it again to check), but that image has stuck with me long after most

Yeah, but they don’t own all (or even most) of their own back catalog anymore as they’ve already been stripped and raided previously. That puts a significant cap on MGM’s value.

I think you must have missed out on peak AV Club.  To be fair, that was several owners and a couple of different commenting systems ago.

I was about to say that Alan Thicke would be perfect for this, but then I looked him up to find out that he’d died 4 years ago.  What the shit?  How did I not know about this (or maybe I did and just forgot)?  Anyway, that was my best idea.  Frick.

Fred Willard’s character was looking really unstable. We weren’t sure if that was a choice to show his decline before death or if Mr. Willard is really in rather poor health. For as young at heart and upbeat as Willard has seemed for so long, it was a rather shock to see him so frail and shaking so badly.


Sometimes, with folks like that, you wonder if they get “encouraged” to play that aspect of their personalities up, or if they do it on their own in a calculated way to raise their profile.

I would love to see an outline of what Lucas planned.

I think the issue is that Sith always become masters by killing their master.  He wouldn’t want to have a kid that could potentially be more powerful than him and kill him unless he did it in a way that he could make sure to absolutely control the kid and not have him turn on him.

The only complication is how did the son (or daughter) escape Sheev’s clutches and need to be caught in the first place?

It was a groupie that he knocked up and some rally and didn’t know she was pregnant until the kid was older and out of the house.

 Force Mind Control and all that...

“It seems like a lot of trouble to go through for a short scene that arguably didn’t work or make sense in the context of the movie, but that’s (arguably) just The Rise Of Skywalker in a nutshell.”

That’s the way to respond to seeing a celebrity.  Or anyone, really.

I think I would have been happier with Solo 2: Lando’s Electric Boogaloo. Just give me some Donald Glover running around the galaxy sewing chaos and having a good time with maybe 5-10 minutes of Young Solo, and I’m good.

Truth. And they already had Fiege (spelling?) showing them that with the MCU.

You would have thought that they’d have planned out the beats for all 3 movies before they started the first one.  Then there wouldn’t be a 2nd saying things from the first were irrelevant and a 3rd that comes back to negate the 2nd.

Similarly, I can’t get myself motivated to drop the $7 a month or whatever to just watch The Mandalorian.  I’ll watch this (and probably buy the blu ray), but I think this is it for me.  Just like my time with the MCU probably ended with the most recent Spiderman.  It’s just too much to keep up with for diminishing

It’s a false flag attack.