
Because the way Agent Carter was mistreated, I often forget about it, but it was probably my favorite of the lot. The quality of Agents of SHIELD seems to come and go.

If he really wanted viewers, he’d have put one of those super guys in it. Maybe that green one or that one who could fly.

That’s more than I could do.  I had to google it to bring back memories.

Ooh, I like the “your turn now” idea.

I like the idea of zoning to a movie, but my trainer is too loud and I find headphones annoying while I’m working out.  I might just need to invest in a better set of headphones, maybe something without wires connecting the speakers would be helpful, but I really hate the feel of the apple style.

Which clearly shows that you and I are not the rich, middle-aged white guys on their second or third trophy wives who were sitting around in a conference room when they came up with this idea.

We put a webcam inside the screen of each one of our bikes.  If you’re not constantly social media-ing yourself, we won’t let you off until you make 5 new posts.

Unfortunately, there’s a significant difference in the kind of exercise you get on a spin bike and what you do outdoors on a real bike. It’s often not transferable (and some real bike racers aren’t the best when you force them into a spin class either).  I like the idea though.

“But my husband didn’t leave me for his secretary.  Look, he’s so proud of me.”

My wife got a leaf blower for her birthday and her only complaint was that I’d spent too much money.  Of course she’d been complaining about our old one and saying she wanted a new one for months at the time.

“I’m glad you spent the last year using the unsolicited present I gave you, Honey. That means I’ll keep you a little while longer before trading you in on a newer, tighter model.”

So what is it?  Come on now.  Inquiring minds need to know.

Plus there’s the current whole vibe of the commercial where it’s a man giving his wife a gift that she may not have asked for as his way of saying, “hey honey, you need to work on keeping this tight.  don’t start to slip now” and she responds “I’m scared” “6 am, yay”, but at the end of a year, he’s still there smiling

That would be true if you didn’t also have to pay a subscription fee for the classes.

You can buy a whole lot of Zwift and a really nice smart trainer for way less than a Peloton.  I get the idea of not wanting to put wear on your road bike (especially if you ride old steel like I do and have to worry about sweat-induced corrosion), but I’d imagine your road bike is set up a lot better for you than

fair enough.

The problem is that even the cheapest, essentially throwaway, item is set to $1.  No one is going to spend that.  Make the cheap things a fraction of a buck and then go up from there.  Since there is a rarity factor of the blueprint drops, it’s not like everyone gets all the blueprints anyway.  If you want to have a

The good stuff only seems to come in blueprints.  The only way it seems to be able to unlock them after the updates is to either buy credits or use the ones you get by playing the premium version of rocket pass.  The amount of credits you can win by playing premium rocket pass is exactly enough to get the premium

Well, this one looks like it might be one remake that I’d show my kids.

She has so much ability in the force because she’s...wait for it...Anakin’s mother. She’s going to drain all of her midichlorians using the force to travel back in time after being impregnated by Kylo Ren. She knows what the future holds for her baby but can’t bear to stop it. And so the circle is closed.