
That prompted an “Amen, brother” from the teacher in me.

Yeah, I think Endgame (or Far From Home) was pretty much the end of MCU for me.  I’ll ride out the final Agents of Shield (not really MCU) season, but, after 20-some movies, I’m out.  It’s been a fun ride, but I need a break.

I was pretty bummed.  I went through the first 4-5 pages of reviews hoping for some humor (because I’m still a 13-year old boy on the inside even if my joints and hairline say I’m in my 40's), and didn’t see anything to laugh at.

I was pretty bummed.  I went through the first 4-5 pages of reviews hoping for some humor (because I’m still a

The Michael Bay answer is the best.

Whedon is no Spielberg, but why does anyone think a Snyder cut would be better? Do they just like dark, joyless meh?

I am confused about this as well. Wasn’t it just last week that they released this on ABC?

Why is the dude pounding on the window of the car that is in line at the end of the video?  Did that driver do something wrong?

I was hoping for some quotes of the responses that told him in no uncertain terms that he was, in fact, the asshole.

Hell, even a shitty coach gets turned on eventually.

Sure, if you want. I think drunken celebrities with too much false self confidence would be funny.  Sober would just be sad.

Hell, since political ads are now allowed to post outright lies on Facebook now, let’s get this started (or should I say sharted?).  Start a PAC and just post pictures of The Donald (TM) with the caption “Shocking new evidence shows Donald Trump just shat himself in public.  Or did he?  You decide.”

Yeah, now if the entire choir were alcoholics...You know what, instead of those stupid celebrities play board charades or whatever they show in the summer, I’d watch the hell out of celebrities get drunk and sing Karaoke.  Especially if you get the actual singers of those songs to get a little drunk too and talk trash

That’s a pretty fair assessment.  Now, my main concern with the cancellation of this show is how I’m going to get the last little bit of the Good Place’s end tag.  For some reason, my DVR is about 20 seconds off from all TV schedules, so I miss the end tag unless I set it to record extra time, but that can lead to

The Ethiopian dude was by far my favorite part of the show.

I do enjoy looking at Anna Camp and Bradley Whitford is always fun.  I really miss the cop show he did with Colin Hanks.  The writing was terrible, but their chemistry was fun and Bradley Whitford’s mustache?  Oh, that was a thing of glory.

Especially since his character was the worst part of that show.  Overall, I thought it was kind of cute in a time-wasting sort of way, but his character was odious to the extreme.

It’s totally off topic, but I totally agree with that last tweet about facebook. At 40, my ears are still young enough that they can usually adjust to the sound and I can deal with it after a few minutes. But those phone light ups?  Yeah, I can’t handle those.  The worst is when some jackhole does it at the

Whatta the fucka?  Shalaboo, shalabee, shalabazz?

And Pillowpants.  And the Listerfiend.  And retaking Porchmonkeys...

This was in the news 2 weeks ago. Why are you posting it now?  Is this some new feature?  News you read about elsewhere last week?