
My wife hit 6' at age 13 and was constantly called big bird by all the kids of both genders shorter than her. Apparently, it made social life difficult (so it must be a real thing among the early teens - or was in the 80's), but, what she mostly complains about with respect to her height these days is inability to

Colin’s fatter, dumber brother?

you could be right.

I think the implication is that it was nasty because the person giving the “advice” was a person who was in a position to give her such a role, but would only do so if she stayed more or less closeted.  At least that’s what the clickbait-ish title would have you believe.

Bring back the chives, Taco Bell, bring back the chives.  They made so many of their foods better.  I get that it was a legal thing after some food poisoning (a similar problem killed Chi-Chis), but the meximelt and cheesy potato thing were not the same after they got rid of them.

It was super oxymoronic, but I was a big fan of the dressed naked egg taco (they threw the naked egg taco in a gordita shell for the same price.

They have all the ingredients except the chives.  Once they stopped carrying those, it was not the same.  Yes, I’m bitter 20 years later.

to be fair, once they stopped serving chives on them, the meximelts stopped being as good.  Same with when they used to do the potato cubes with nacho cheese, sour cream and chives.  Losing the chives made them lose something crucial.

I thought she played well off Jean Reno in The Professional.  In a super creep, inappropriate way of course.  Also, should note that I’d probably been 20 years since I’ve seen that movie.

I felt the same way until The Ranch, which he sometimes does a decent job in (I wouldn’t call it a consistent good job, but he occasionally showed decent range), even if it’s a one-dimensional right wing turd of a show.

The Kutcher/Portman one (I’ve already forgotten the title) had better supporting cast, but the Timberlake/Kunis one had better leads (for a comedy). Whenever I see either one of them on the channel guide, I flip to it to see which one it is, then I almost invariably say,”oh” and flip to something else not matter which

It did seem to drag things down a bit (especially the Nicky and her girlfriend bit), but, compared to spending a whole season on the riot? Not near their biggest mistake.  Unless you are overly concerned about timeline continuity when all of this is supposed to be 2015 or 2016.

From maybe season 3 on, I kept wishing that they’d just let Piper out, forget about her, and recenter the story around Taystee.  I’m not sure if it was the actor or the character or what, but I just hated Piper.

The pictures of Daya’s kid earlier in this season looked unusually old given that Piper once states that she spent the last 18 months in jail given that Daya got impregnated after Piper got locked up.  They seem to be compressing/expanding the time at will.

Daddy was killed with Bath Salts, which are different from fentanyl

That’s what my in-laws always say about their new TV.  My mother-in-law loves musicals, so maybe the fact that it makes every movie look like a badly-lit local theater production is a good thing to her?

When I don’t think it looks like a soap opera, I think it makes things look like you’re watching a play, in person, and a play with an amateur lighting guy who puts too many lights (and usually from the top) on everyone.

People have said the same thing about watching porn in high def. Apparently, being able to see every wrinkle/blemish on the actors is not a good thing for some libido’s and makes standard def a better choice, or so the industry was blaming for some of their recent economic downturns when they weren’t blaming the availa

Ugh, I got really frustrated watching TVs like that at certain relatives’ houses.  I know it’s just TV, but the actors looked a lot different when squashed like bugs on some awful TVs and that took me out of the show as I tried to figure out what was wrong.  If it was a show or actor I wasn’t familiar with, I didn’t

My in-laws like watching older movies on their new TV with this on. They think it looks higher definition and more expensive like their new TV is making the movie better (so it makes them feel they got their money’s worth from buying it). I think it makes the movies look cheap and dated, but, like you, can’t say