
Thank you.  I know this is an old article, but it’s something that’s been bugging me.  My in-laws got a new TV that does this and they keep going on and on about how makes even old movies look more crisp and well-defined than they did originally and how it’s a good thing and I just think it makes everything look more

Plus, the grease will give you runs for days.

Yeah, I can’t look at him and not see the MILF kid from American Pie or a stoner trying to get to white castle.  I’ve seen him in stuff since then, but, just like Seann William Scott, I can’t separate him from his early iconic roles no matter how good he was in his later roles (and Scott was really, really good in

“Shame we can’t get an actual Martian to play Spike hahaha that’d be more realistic.” or go back in time 30 years and steal Chow Yun-Fat. He had the height (if not the gangliness), martial arts skills, and the gravitas to play a world-weary character with a history of violence and loss like Spike. I’m also interested

Can’t do without Ein, but I’d be at least willing to see what a somewhat darker take on the story without Ed would look like.  Sometimes the bits they put her in to lighten the darkness with her humor just rubbed me the wrong way.  That was always my only problem with the show.

Maybe not our childhood, but the entre to anime for a generation.

I’m not sure it’s about charisma.  I just can’t see him as a noir bounty hunter with a dark past.  Or even the slightest bit menacing.  It’s going to have to be the job of a lifetime for me to believe him as spike.

OK sure, but, even if they’re stuck with that limitation and don’t want to put in the effort to find someone new, did they not bother to even check on Simu Liu’s availability (he’s the brother from Kim’s Convenience).

Unless it’s a different John Cho than Harold, I totally can’t see him in this part.  At all.  Just completely wrong for it.

Now imagine the utter fucking insanity of getting the rights for Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

What I wasn’t clear on was that I’d heard that the 50:50 deal meant that Disney was going to also bear 50% of the costs vs. not bringing anything to the table other than IP and some of Fiege’s time for 5% of the first dollar profits. If they’re fronting some of the money too, that free’s up some of Sony’s money for

my thought as well.

It’s just a regular tank top with metal clips to pull in the material to show off his muscular shoulders and chest better.

Oh yeah, I’d totally forgotten how creepy Urkel was toward Laura and how everyone just laughed it off as a joke.

Makes sense and explains a lot.

Unfortunately, for those of us without cable, this was about as good as it got (actually looney tunes was so much better, but at least this was better than that stupid California Dreams show that was on after it) until we got the fox animation block with Batman and Spiderman (the x-men cartoon wasn’t as good but

Yeah, in the era of #MeToo, Screech would be rightly labeled as a stalker/harasser. Back in the early 90's, he was shown as being cutely unaware. I hated episodes focused on his character, but like the author of this article, my life was probably closer to his (minus the stalking/harassing of girls) or the nerds than

Money.  Get rich members and charge them for each stage in the “enlightenment” process.  It’s always all about the money.  Follow the money.

If you don’t protect your B-listers, you don’t get new A-listers to trust you enough to join you (A-listers by definition have enough support that you never hear about them getting into trouble - unless they’re Spacey or Gibson - or they have their own PR folks to get their backs, so you don’t hear about what the CoS

Or was it just that they don’t allow phones in their facilities, which means that people in those facilities can’t call 911, and some journalist took that idea, and, with sloppy writing/editing, turned it around into “you can’t have a phone to call 911" and everyone ran with it.