
I know it’s bad to conflate an actor with his role, but, after the wife and I watched the first two seasons of Outlander this summer, I don’t think I can ever watch anything with Tobias Menzies in it again.

Yeah, the core characters were enough that it kept me around even though I didn’t like the plots anymore, other than the occasional Ravi bit or Liv brain.

I wouldn’t be so sure they said yes.  Rob Thomas said that he had his own idea, but he wanted to leave it open ended so we could choose for ourselves.  I don’t see Ravi giving up his job and Clive and Dale sure wouldn’t do it while they still had kids to take care of.

It did really seem as though the show needed another 9-12 episodes to wrap up all the storylines as it just seemed rushed and they gave up on some. Maybe they could have got it done in 5-6 more for an 18 episode season without dragging things out too long, but it either needed to be much shorter without those extra

I completely agree with this.  It was only while reading the review that I remembered all the plots that just seemed to have disappeared.

All right.  Teens.  Hell, I’m old enough now that everyone under, say, 25 is a kid to me.

But, but, but, they’re named after an Air Force base, so they must support the military and be right wing, right? :)

Yeah, but, if they slap together some random bullshit (probably a discarded plot from the kevin sorbo hercules that somebody forgot to throw away that they just add some dragons and wizards to and hope nobody notices), and put the D&D name on it, they’ve got a built in audience that they don’t have to worry as much

Yeah, but, instead of that, it’s going to be some Jumanji-type bullshit about some kids playing the game and getting sucked inside.  Probably lighthearted and PG-13 humor as they try to figure out the rules of the new world they’re in.  And there will be a hot girl who doesn’t fit in at all, but somehow got sucked

But shouldn’t every show want her?

Killed it, but I hated his episodes because he was just so creepy.  So yeah, did a wonderful job doing exactly what he was supposed to be doing.

and two countries is still a union, right?  Right???

Eh, Wales might stay.

Fingers crossed indeed. One hopes for a new government followed by a new referendum every day.

Yes, but I’m always wondering if it would have petered out like Community or Arrested development if it had gotten more seasons. I wish we could have spent more time in their world, but the unrealized promise is sort of what makes it so great.

I’m not sure about all of the last season, but it did end on just the right note.

I still sometimes pretend that Arrested Development lasted 3 seasons and was perfect. For the same reasons, I love Firefly, but am not sure if I would feel the same way about it had it gotten a couple more seasons. Dollhouse started great, but just never realized it’s promise.

I do think it was much, much better than Buffy’s final season and that finale was just great.

Has anyone said Firefly yet?  Also, Green Wing.  Maybe Fleabag.

It’s almost  as if Trish never noticed that Jessica was a raging alcoholic using that to self-medicate from the pain in her life.  She just thinks that powers = magic happy life.