
Whenever white people talk about mlk this quote pops into my head,

I worked closely with HR departments in my career prior to retirement. HR is there to protect the corporation, not the employee.

The silly thing about all of this Ellen hoopla is that it’s focused on Ellen. I have no affinity for Ellen, I have never watched her show (shows?), but I have worked below the line on plenty of bullshit and I got to say they treat you like shit in Hollywood, because they can. You know what working for Ellen is

In other words its like 8O% of all jobs in the US.

I just heard a commentator on MSNBC make an interesting point. It’s quite obvious, but it had not occurred to me.

Race, and racism - explicit and hidden - is a part of everything. Including automotive culture. If you can’t see that, or don’t want to believe that, you’re a part of the problem

The entire argument from the NO COLLUSION crowd seems to hinge solely on the fact there wasn’t some grand meeting between Trump and Putin where everyone sat around and said, “Here’s our detailed plan to steal an election!”

Not only did the Senate Intelligence Committee conclude that Russia interfered in 2016, but that the Trump campaign sure as fuck colluded (especially Manafort and Stone) and Russia is still interfering in 2020. It’s worth taking a closer look at!

Homeboy is a bad-faith-troll with no redeeming value and like most trolls is a huge attention whore. You are wasting your time.

Now playing

LOL, meanwhile, here are some cops with functional testicles and brainstems arresting a distraught machete-wielding man without even possessing firearms, let alone using them.

My initial reaction was mild annoyance but Kyle is right and now I don’t care about Kindergarten Cop at all again.

This life sentence is barbarity. Plain and simple. I need to read Justice Bryant’s dissenting opinion in its entirety but it seems dead on. Nothing further can really be said. I have serious doubts that a petition to US Supreme Court arguing 8th amendment violation would even be granted cert. 

I’m sorry you’re incapable of working on two problems at once.

It’s especially rich coming at a time when the Putin sympathizer in the highest position of power is the fucking president.

You don’t really have to dig too deep to see that the Church of Scientology is fucked up. People can believe whatever they want, but as an organization these folks are nefarious. Operation Snow White is described as the largest infiltration of a government agency in US history, perpetrated by the CoS. The story behind

No, Karen. We good.

Gotta say by 2010 most people new the Church of Scientology was coocoo for CoCo puffs. And it's a little convinient that it took an additional 4 years after his death to come to the conclusion that most people have about Castro's style of governance.

So what you’re saying is we need to normalize for length by using a fucks-per-minute metric (FPM).

People have pointed out before how unbelievably stupid and pointless these 1-minute interview videos are, right?