
Oh, it’s an algorithm, “there’s nothing we can do!”

I have similar feelings, a similar struggle. With no real expectation that a counselor would help even if affordable. Counseling for me has been like playing tennis against a wall — good exercise, maybe, but frustrating.

oh my God

agreed, Roseanne is not comparable to Archie Bunker

“I’m sure that simply sitting across him at a table is miserable since he’ll cross his arms, rock himself, and have the occasional outburst about how it’s LIES without understanding what you’re trying to say.”

thanks for that link!  

fucking bingo, bing-fucking-O

I like how you immediately construct an ultimatum.

thank you for the good journalism

you’re missing the point, officer

that’s a good theory

Amazing self-own.  Instant, mechanically perfect self-humiliation.  Impressed.  

they’ll have to bring Roseanne back from the dead first

yes that was thoroughly enjoyable thank u

<i>Hogan Gidley</i>.....

it’s completely acceptable everywhere

I’ll stick with common sense and the evidence of my own eyes, thanks anyway, self-proclaimed expert

“it’s good, you’re just not smart enough”

because he’s a disorganized prick who holds your life in his hands, you disorganized prick

he had the Picasso shot full of Botox and it looks younger than ever