
Hell yeah, my first bike was also a 1997 Seca II. 14k miles. The Cro-Magnon types in my fraternity (yeah, I know, I know) knocked it over so many times that I ripped off the half-fairing and installed dual headlights and a Vapor Trailtech computer. Sold it to an engineer friend for what I paid for it, and he later

Some people care about how their computer looks. Some people care about how their car looks. Some people care about how they look. Some people care about how their sentences look when they’re writing on the internet.
Different strokes for different folks.

Those silly Russians. If they were a proper superpower like the U.S., they would never learn anything from past mistakes and would jump at the chance to get bogged down in a protracted and unwinnable war of choice.

Correct. I actually meant to write “a little to a lot” but I guess I forgot to actually put that part in.


I remember the last time I spent $10 on a fillup.

I like to call this the “Drive Casual / Cops smell fear” theory. Drive normally and chances are you’ll be alright.

Usually once a week on my daily grind to and fro, I come across this. Ill usually maintain my speed, about 5-7mph over, make my way through the maze of scaredy pants and pass Mr. Poo Poo. At which point it usually opens a flood gate of cars doing the same. Orrrr, Mr. Poo Poo then wants to speed up and ride my ass

I remember when I first starting driving, early 90's, flashing your lights was a way of communicating various things to other drivers. Now days it just seems to piss everyone off....so sad.

Screw it. Ticket ‘em. If they’re so obtuse they don’t know the law (even when many highways already have signs saying “slower traffic keep right” or some permutation of the same) and so self absorbed they don’t notice or care they’re leading a huge parade, they deserve a ticket.

Can we please also teach drivers that just because you’re going over the speed limit does NOT permit you to camp in the left lane?


Option 3 is to find the Alpha car in the parking lot first thing, and then crash into it, just beat the hell out of it...then the other cars know to respect you.

And they weren't slaughtered, they volunteered.

Those are normal dead cows. These are dead French cows of the finest quality, having eaten only from vats full of the finest black caviar mixed with the finest French champagne. These cows had names - nay - these cows had titles. Viscount Vache Of Bourdeaux III. These cows were classy.

Super cool and I’ve always loved this theme... but...


In a very similar way, performing my own auto repairs has allowed me to expand my tool collection. Whenever I take on a project that saves me a significant amount of money, I put part of those savings towards tools.

Now playing

Every time I hear about douchebag bikers like this, I have to remind myself to rewatch some of Walterrific’s MotoVlogs. Particularly this one where he stops to help rescue a stray dog. Not all bikers!

This oversimplifies it. For one, your car won’t start at 10 percent or maybe not even at 20 percent charge, so the calculation of how long it takes to drain to zero is not valid. For another, as your USB charger is draining the battery, the car’s other electronics — computer, clock, keyless entry — are also slowly