Respect for the Alabama white sauce. Wisconsin apparently just found out about it this year
Respect for the Alabama white sauce. Wisconsin apparently just found out about it this year
The US has 300% more vehicle deaths per capita than Germany. How does Germany do that? Not with any of that BS you wrote about. They have strict licensing requirements and good transit infrastructure.
Retard is not a cool word to use but fucking idiot is.
not to mention actual good vehicle control. I think there should be a mandatory government-funded (i.e. free to the public) drivers’ course that teaches all drivers the limits of their vehicle as part of drivers’ ed so they understand the basics of how to react when things go south. Driving a few blocks in a circle…
ever since Obama was elected their only platform has been “Say No to whatever the Dems support”
Cars may be safer from a crash test point of view...but there are also a lot of huge cars and trucks, and cars that are obscenely fast, and some that are both huge and insanely fast. Combine that with a low point of entry to get/keep a drivers license and a lot of people who drive like selfish, reckless idiots, and…
My name is Garrett And was about to be offended and sad...But then realized your referencing a Garrett who spells his name with only one T and is thus a heathen...So carry on.
Permissable doesn’t mean not ridiculous though. I'm fine using Dr for anyone who asks, in a professional seeing, but it seems like either/or is fine and anyone who insists on both would immediately be mocked.
Technically it is permissible in those circumstances (multiple PhDs). Personally, I wouldn’t do it; I generally encourage people to use my first name rather than call me Dr, but occasionally students or colleagues insist on saying Dr (or Professor) and if they are intent on doing so I won’t stop them. But I don’t…
I come here because I am sick of the “You should be offended by this today” crap that comes out of regular news. Look, don’t get me wrong. I want to be offended. The internet isn’t fun if it isn’t offensive. But I want to be offended a DIFFERENT WAY.
This is certainly worthy of news coverage somewhere. Jalopnik ain’t it. This is not even close to “car culture”...except, wheels are involved?
You nailed it. They’re not really even hiding it at this point. What more would you expect from the woman fired from the Times for her moronic and profane voicemail to the Great Lakes Gun Rights org. “I’m a journalist for the Times” lol OK Karen. She’s unwelcome at any real news organization and for some reason the…
I’m liberal as fuck and probably align pretty well with you politically, Erin, but this is pure, unadulterated bullshit. Not only did you mis-identify who’s running, there is absolutely zero automotive content here. It’s nothing more than a hit piece, and I’d honestly love to see it - SOMEWHERE ELSE.
So I guess with David and Torch leaving, we’re just going to completely give up on stories focusing on vehicles other than “well a bus is kinda involved” then goes full on a political rant. Mercedes, you may want to leave while you can because this isn’t a car site anymore.
Take your star you cheesy Dad pun genius you!!
Tastes like lichen
I don’t mention my role here on Jalopnik. I try not to mix business with pleasure :D