
Locos certainly, but I don’t think cargo ships are commonly diesel/electric. Some cruise liners are and it’s becoming more common, not because it’s mechanically efficient but because it allows you to use engines for propulsion, “hotel” power and any desired combination thereof.

Haha, well all the more reason for me to stay away from bikes.

That is the best damn idea I have heard for autonomous vehicle usage. If you wanted to take your car on a road trip and ride when you get there, no need for a truck/trailer. Just have the bike follow you!

Hardcore Harley people boggle my mind. They’ve taken motorcycles, which are (to me) the most fun vehicles out there, and turned it into a lifestyle fan club.

Are you me? I did the same. Slightly overpaid, but not enough to make me mad. And it’s fun.

If you are talking about Harley Edition Ford Truck owners then you are correct, as they very likely have a Harley bike and all your other points apply.

People, stop complaining that this is “too long.”

Which is a better law, because sometimes a slow vehicle needs to pass an even slower vehicle. Which should be fine as long as they get back over once they pass.

Keeping right unless passing is actually the law in a few states. It is rarely enforced. That’s the real issue.

Congratulations, and that’s exactly what the motorcycle safety course is for. For $350, anyone can find out if they really are gonna want to ride, without having to drop two grand (or more) on a motorcycle to figure it out.

The have about 2 seconds to get the hell out or you are going to mave one hell of a mess on your hands.

I’ve only heard to just coast. You’ll slow down without the brake lights.

Seafoam will help your car run better:

I support this movement.

The Not-At-Fault drivers were aware...of the traffic light and their right of way. :-P I’ll raise your take with an even hotter Take: drivers will never develop true situational awareness without adequate experience in traffic on two-wheeled conveyances.

I’m not sure how you’re making your point. The higher the electricity cost, the better the math works out in favor of LED’s, so I would think you would be arguing the opposite. The EIA has the lowest state cost in the nation at $9.52 per kilowatt-hour in Louisiana. Plugging that in for $3/$1 LED/Incadescent bulbs

  • Check that your vents are open (or closed in rooms you don’t use) and circulating air like you want them to.

Nice work Fails.

I ride motorcycles, so I should be against using your phone while driving, but I don’t really care.