You’d like my friends GTR.
You’d like my friends GTR.
You really shouldn’t ever be washing by hand if water conservation is the goal. Running a half full dish washer is going to use less water than washing even just a couple of pots by hand.
That would certainly be my recommendation. I really think that anyone who is using a computer only for basic internet tasks should get one. A MacBook is just totally overkill for that, which is fine if you have more money than you know what to do with. The Surface 3 with keyboard might not be a bad way to go either,…
if they built them like the autobahn and tarmacs they wouldnt even need to repair them as often
I have Hella SuperTones on my bike, about 118dB @ 2m, originally I only added them as a joke, but they’re nice and you can’t ignore them.
Donate it, take the tax writeoff.
Well done Damon.
It’s not education, it’s culture. Germans have a very regimented, disciplined culture. They follow the rules and are generally responsible; it’s been bred into them for generations... Americans are basically the opposite.
As I was filtering up to the front of a light...
bullshit. I was cut off twice in half a block by 1 guy in a Yukon texting. I eyes him at a light and gave him the “hang up” hand signal. He looked at me like I wanted to start something (because I can only assume he was some super thug) so I told him to roll down his window and said “you nearly put me into the curb…
Behold my handcrafted purity! The modern world can bite my splintery, wooden ass!
You forgot the “this is the microsoft windows” indian scam callers...
Tankless gas water heater FTW!
What particularly endears stoppies to me is the way that when you screw it up you get the sequential indignity of overcooking it, falling off the bike, faceplanting on the tarmac, and if you’re -really- lucky, getting smacked in the kidneys by the bike as it continues its rotation. ^_^
Although I hate it out on the street, it is awesome to see these stunts happen in an enclosed environment. The only sour thing is that some people will train and then go do it out in the streets.
I generally think the usual time to request is 10 days. If they come back and ask for 5 days, they have a second choice lined up which they don’t want to keep waiting. that’s your indicator for negotiating the pay/vacation time. It also depends on how long they took from your last interview/contact with them to offer.…
Bro, it’s Florida. If this was the most crazy thing anyone saw that day, it was a pretty good day.
Love the attitude (not really). Let’s go ahead and kill off all research and innovation, because sometimes stuff doesn’t work. Some of the biggest inventions of our time have come about after we tried things that seemed like they would be failures. Just because these solar roadways seem like bad ideas right now,…
So . . .